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Aneissa's Book Club: January

Aneissa's Book Club: January

I've always been an avid reader, but new year, new me means going above and beyond to grow every month. I've started a book club + I want you to be a part of it! I'll post my January book and review here; then I'll provide the list of what I'll be reading February - December. We can learn together and rate each book; we'll call it ABC Aneissa's Book Club.

This month I read It's Not My Fault: The No-Excuse Plan To Put You In Charge Of Your Life by Christian psychologists Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. This book was an eyeopener; I try not to make excuses for myself. I really only have to learn a lesson one time. After I've learned or been corrected, I change my behavior or way thinking + move forward; I feel like that's the only way to grow as a person. This novel is so much more than acknowledging excuses and correcting them; this is a very informative book on the different types of excuses people make for themselves and how to resolve problems. This novel has excellent tips on how to approach a situation from every angle before you even have to come up with an excuse! It also identifies some medical terms related to how people think like catastrophic concepts- where people take their current situation + mentally snowball it into a catastrophe before they've had a chance to process the dilemma. Also, distorted thinking- where the reality of what's happening is distorted by past experiences or the experience of others, so excuses are made because it's easier to not try at all than to try and fail. I highly recommend this book to anyone, who is currently in ministry or who wants to be in ministry in the future. This novel helps you get into the thought process of others, and can honestly help you cut out time by differentiating the people who make excuses but still want to better themselves; and people who are just lazy and want to complain out loud.

So we'll do stars, 0-5, I give this book five stars! It was terrific, and it explicitly categorized why people blame other people or circumstances for their actions. This novel was enlightening and a great start to 2019. So here's what I'll be reading for the remainder of this year:

  • February- All The Rules: Time- Tested Secrets For Capturing The Heart Of Mr. Right by Ellen Fein + Sherrie Schneider

  • March- High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way by Brendon Burchard

  • April- 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You by Tony Reinke

  • May- Oma and Angels by Oma Willis

  • June- Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame- Free Plan For Embracing and Achieving Your Goals by Rachel Hollis

  • July- Perfect is Boring by Tyra Banks

  • August- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink

  • September- Too Busy Not To Pray: Slowing Down To Be With God By Bill Hybels

  • October- Developing The Leader Within You 2.0 by John C. Maxwell

  • November- Contagious by Jonah Berger

  • December- Think Like A Freak by Steven D. Levitt + Stephen Dubner

Ok so next month for ABC we're reading All The Rules: Time- Tested Secrets For Capturing The Heart Of Mr. Right by Ellen Fein + Sherrie Schneider. On the final Monday of the month, February 25, 2019, we'll gather here + discuss our favorite chapters and ratings in the comments; I am so unbelievably excited about this!

The Key To Success

The Key To Success

My Dream

My Dream