
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Why 2020 Was The Best Year Of My Life

Why 2020 Was The Best Year Of My Life

“Twenty-twenty vision."

"New decade, new me."

"Twenty-twenty is going to be my year!" "

No doubt one of these phrases were chanted by you or someone you know around this time last year. Expectations ran high, as they should with any fresh start. Then came Spring, and with it unexpected changes to our daily routines. New regulations were set into motion, and terms like social distancing and pandemic became part of our everyday vocabulary. Fear undoubtedly took over, and a herd-mentality forced people to stock up on groceries and essential items. Rightfully so, as news reports were keeping us updated on how to live life, we needed to make sure our families were safe at home and free from harm. Situations out of our control have never been the problem. How we as people handled situations of our control is what was alarming and frankly disappointing.

Social media dances on a thick line of posting seemingly unobtainable perfection and dumping mental frustrations. Negativity is contagious, and it, unfortunately, is the driving force of what makes us relatable human beings. Pandemic-talk and politics flooded newsfeeds, and it was mentally draining. Complaints of work and school transitions, symptoms ranging from one extreme to another, and individuals spewing hatred for one presidential candidate and worshiping the other was exhausting. That was the main reason I vowed only to post unrelated and uplifting material this year.

I am not trying to belittle any person's 2020 as we have all experienced hardships and difficulties during this time. I am merely trying to convey the message that we should celebrate every opportunity to be grateful in the difficult times and the prosperous times. We have all heard the saying, "Be the change you wish to see in this world.", but that is a challenging concept to master. If you do not want to see drama + negativity on social media, be a blessing and post encouraging content. Every day above ground is another opportunity to relish in the Goodness and Mercy of God. Whether it's in the form of human interactions, provisions, or protection, we need to collectively slow down and find the beauty in the "little things." The coming year may bring us even more unexpected trials, but our outlook will be a living testimony to those around us who may not be as fortunate to know the God we serve. The God who is intentional with every aspect of our lives. Nothing comes as a surprise to Him. We were placed in this moment on His timeline to share His goodness and to be vessels of His love to those around us. So there are no New Year's resolutions for me. 2020 was the best year of my life simply because I embraced, consumed, and compartmentalized the reality of the state of our world, and I celebrated the mundane. I plan on following through with that mentality with each year to come.

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