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How To Set Goals You Can Actually Accomplish

How To Set Goals You Can Actually Accomplish

If you are not pushing forward to a better version yourself, unfortunately, you are rolling backward. Striving to be the best you takes patience and determination. So here are four simple ways to live your best goal-oriented life and inevitably follow through.

Find your "Why?".

The problem with New Year's resolutions fizzling out is there is no clearly dictated why. Why do I want to lose weight? Why do I need to organize my life? With goals, it is best to work backward mentally. If your goal is to write a book:

  • Why do you want to write a book?

  • Determine your target audience

  • Build upon your ideal plot, setting, characters, etc.

  • Establish a timeline

  • Decide how many pages you will need to write a month

  • A week

  • A day

Categorize your goals

Some goals take time, some you can begin and see results right away. You have to determine the difference between a high priority goal and something you wish to change to better yourself. Begin with two goals a month. One long term and one where you can see results almost immediately (organizing your vehicle or Spring Cleaning) Physically visualizing the results of the short-term goals will benefit the probability of the long-term effects.

Make each goal as specific as possible

"I want to lose fifty pounds." vs. "I would like to lose ten pounds a month for the next five months." Both thought processes may lead to the same result, but the more specific goal paired with a clearly determined why will inspire motivation more than a vague statement.

Creatively express your goals

You want to learn how to perfect ten meals by the end of the year. Select ten recipes. Rip them out of the cookbook, place them somewhere you will see them every single day, so they stay fresh on your mind. Then, make a guest list and host a dinner party to show all your friends what a great chef you are! Planning details for the future, help your goals to become a reality and your reality to become the everyday norm.

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