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Sleep Better Tonight

Sleep Better Tonight

Sweet sleep can be hard to come by. Children and the stress of a busy day can keep you wide awake and more tired than ever. Specific measures can be implemented to make sure you get a good night’s rest. Here are a few tips to fall asleep quickly and wake up refreshed every morning.

Cut off caffeine:

The sweet, sweet joy of java is imperative in the morning + even during the 2:30 pm work slump. You do have to draw the line somewhere though, especially if you are caffeine sensitive. Drinking coffee after 5:00 pm can set your mental clock back later. Each cup of coffee sends a new wave of adenosine (urgency) receptors to your brain saying, “Hey, there’s a new task to handle, fire on all cylinders!” It is essential to be productive in the mornings/afternoons. If you must have a stimulant for productivity in the evenings, a natural tea will provide the temporary boost you need.

Diffuse lavender oil:

Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which can help with minor burns + bug bites. Although, the primary use of lavender oil is to treat anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. So diffusing oil in your bedroom while you wind down will get you relaxed and ready to drift off.

Screen time:

Screen time before bed is a gigantic no-no! Cellular devices, computers, and televisions emit blue light. Screen light affects the body's internal clock. Pushing the brightness into your retina tells your brain it is still daylight + you need to focus. Screens should be shut off at least thirty minutes before your bedtime. Relax your eyes with an audiobook or indulge in the following step.


Once you relax the muscles up top, it is time to relax the muscles in the body. I have found a great article with five sleep-inducing stretches to do before bed. This will physically relax you and put you in a more comfortable mood to sleep.


Set the atmosphere:

So you hung up the coffee mug for the day, lavender oil vapors are swirling, the phone has been put away, you are limber and almost ready to crawl into bed. The very last step is creating a conducive setting to snooze. Make sure your bedroom temperature is never higher than 70° F. Cooling the bedroom helps your body to release melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone stored in the pineal gland of your brain. It regulates sleep/wake cycles. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is for your body to produce melatonin. If you are finding it difficult to sleep at night, melatonin is also available in pill form at your local grocery store.

Your bedroom should be for completely dressing yourself and sleeping only. Try not to multitask or do work in your bedroom; it should solely be associated with rest + relaxation. Following these simple steps (in this order) will result in a healthy nightly routine and a regular sleep schedule. Sweet dreams.

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