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Splurge Or Save: Skincare Edition

Splurge Or Save: Skincare Edition

Your skincare routine is like a high school marching band. If every section of the group were giving their all, well, it would sound terrible. Each component works together to create a fantastic sound. Sometimes the brass section takes the lead sometimes the percussions dominate, but they all have their place. The same is true for your skincare routine. Some elements play a more substantial role, and they need more attention than other creams or serums you apply. The beauty of it is, it all works in harmony to give you the complexion you deserve. So, we are going to go through a basic skincare routine, I’ll guide you on what parts of skincare you should splurge on, and where you should save your hard earned coin on products with amazing benefits.

Cleanser: Splurge

Your cleanser is the only element that actually cleanses your face. Everything applied after the cleanser nourishes the skin. So your first and most crucial step is to make sure your face is entirely makeup and dirt-free before you layer other products. I highly recommend French Girl Organics as a simple + effective cleanser. If you have not read my review on this skincare must have, check it out!


Toner: Save

Witch hazel or rosewater toner will regulate your skin back to its healthy pH balance of 5.5. The most straightforward way to do this is to use more natural ingredients like green tea or aloe vera. Toners with these elements are in your local grocery or drugstore. One bottle of Thayer's Witch Hazel Alcohol-Free Toner is only $8.99, and it will last you months.

Serum: Optional

If you have one million dollars in your bank account and you can afford a caviar serum with ancient Egyptian gold flakes in it, go right ahead and buy one for me while you're at it! If you are a regular queen, who has bills to pay, comfortably priced serums are available. I am currently using Truskin Vitamin C Serum to help with hyperpigmentation. It is $19.00; one-fluid ounce bottle will last about three months even when applied twice daily. Serums seep deep into the skin, so find one that has the ingredients you feel like your skin is lacking.

Facial oils/moisturizers: Save

The function of the final step in basic skincare should be strictly to lock in all the luxury you have just applied. Like your toner, ingredients found in nature are the best for you. Jojoba, argon, and cold-pressed oils are inexpensive, and they can be purchased virtually anywhere. Stick with these oils or a similar blend. The more natural cream-based moisturizers lean on the expensive side. Overall, do not pay more than $35.00 maximum for a moisturizer.

Body moisturizers: Splurge

Body moisturizers seem essential to include because the skin is the largest organ. Whether the surface is on your face or your body, it still needs adequate attention. Splurge on your moisturizer with mineral-rich ingredients to help the skin rejuvenate at night. Lotion seeps into the second layer of epidermis, so it is imperative to apply natural skin softening ingredients. After showing morning or night, indulge in organic coconut oil or a thick, creamy moisturizer for protection against reptilian skin.

There are more steps involved in a complex skincare routine. Chemical peel exfoliators, sugar or salt facial scrubs, masks, and eye creams all depend on your personal preference. If you are looking for useful products that will last you a while, do some research according to your skin type and find out what works for you. If you can afford high-end products, hey, go for it! If the skincare company you are interested in has sample options available, that is the smartest way to go. This allows you to test your skin for allergies first. Then, if you fall in love with a product, you know exactly where to find it. It is essential to save money where you can on products. Do not be fooled by big expensive brands, stick with effective components with natural ingredients. Your wallet will thank you for it later.

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