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My Weekly Skincare Routine

My Weekly Skincare Routine

Good skin on the outside starts with what you put on the inside, duh. Water + a balanced diet will always give you the glowing skin you deserve. Unfortunately, I haven’t quite learned how to say no to a greasy slice of pizza. Some days my skin can get a little wonky, so here is my Monday through Sunday of skincare.

Let me preface this list by saying I like to stick to one brand of skincare at a time. That way if I introduce a new product and my skin goes berserk, I’ll know which product caused it. (I have it down to a science by now.) If I want to transition or try something new, I’ll slowly stop using that line of products and switch to a new one. The brand I’m crazy about now is called Herbivore Botanicals.


Long story short about this brand, a couple from Seattle started a skincare line based out of their kitchen using only natural plant-based food-grade cold-pressed oils, steam distilled therapeutic-grade essential oils, GMO free soy wax, recyclable and reusable packaging, and many certified organic ingredients. These two were clearly up on the fact that the skin is the largest organ and it’s like kind of important that skin looks nice so we should definitely take care of it. In the morning, I usually just rinse my face + put on a sunscreen based moisturizer so the following list is my evening routine.


  • Cleanse- Blue Clay Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Tone- Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner

  • Moisturize- Jojoba oil

Sundays are usually v for me so these three simple steps are all I need.


  • Cleanse- Blue Clay Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Exfoliate- Lush brand Ocean Salt

  • Mask- type varies, it depends on what my skins needs for the week. Calming, refreshing, soothing ect.

  • Tone- Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner

  • Serum- The Ordinary brand Lactic Acid

  • Vitamin C Rejuvenating serum- The Ordinary brand

  • Moisturize- Moon Fruit Superfruit Night Treatment

Mondays can be rough, this is day I take extra time on my face.


  • Cleanse- Blue Clay Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Microblading Derma Roller

  • Tone- Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner

  • Moisturize- Jojoba oil


  • Cleanse- Blue Clay Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Tone- Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner

  • Moisturize- Jojoba oil


Cleanse- Blue Clay Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Exfoliate- Lush brand Ocean Salt

  • Exfoliate lips- Homemade sugar based scrub

  • Mask

  • Tone- Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner

  • Serum- The Ordinary brand Lactic Acid

  • Vitamin C Rejuvenating serum- The Ordinary brand

  • Moisturize- Moon Fruit Superfruit Night Treatment


  • Cleanse- Blue Clay Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Tone- Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner

  • Moisturize- Jojoba oil


  • Cleanse- Blue Clay Cleansing Bar Soap

  • Microblading Derma Roller

  • Tone- Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner

  • Moisturize- Jojoba oil

As you can see, four days out of the week are almost the same, hence the word routine. I’ve been using three brands; heavy on the Herbivore Botanicals, Lush, and The Ordinary. So far, this combination has really been producing excellent results for me. It is important to switch it up and try new things, but this is what I’m currently into. If you have any brand suggestions or recommendations I would love to read about what works for you!

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