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Jade Rolling

Jade Rolling

A considerable part of my morning skincare routine involves the use of a jade roller. A jade roller is a paint-rolling type tool made from solid jade stone. Jade rolling is not a new trend; in fact, it has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to create a glass-skin look. I have been using a jade roller for almost two years now, and I notice a dramatic difference in my skin on the days I don’t roll.

Why jade roll:

The cool jade stone helps decrease the look of tired, puffy eyes and increases blood circulation in the face. It also improves the elasticity of the skin and helps product absorb better. The roller calms redness and relieves overall stress to the face.

When to use:

If you want the best benefits out of your jade roller, place it in the refrigerator or store in a cool place overnight. The extra cold temperature will wake your senses especially if you’re not a morning person. The smartest time to utilize a jade roller would be first thing in the morning after your skincare routine. If you use a facial oil or moisturizer in the morning, the perfect time to apply would be after that.

How to use:

The technique is effortless. Using the large end of the roller, apply light pressure and begin at the base of the nose. Roll outward + upward toward the ear. Do not roll back and forth, only roll one way! Roll the same area a maximum of three times. At the chin follow along the lower jawline moving out toward the bottom of the earlobe. For smaller areas of your face like the corners of your eyes and upper lip, flip the roller upside down and use the smaller jaded end.


How to clean:

Since the jade roller should be used first thing after you wake up, sweat + bacteria have the ability to build up on it, so it’s important to take care of it. After the jade rolling process is over, I lightly mist my tool with a mixture of alcohol and water. Then, I let it air dry.

Jade rolling is incredibly relaxing and very beneficial for the skin. When you know you’re about to encounter a hectic day, this facial massage can be the calm before the storm. I highly recommend this tool for boss babes with a busy schedule. If you’re ready to look more awake + healthier throughout the day, you need one of these tools. My jade roller was purchased from Herbivore Botanicals, and you can buy one here for $30.00.


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