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Honey Lemon Treatment

Honey Lemon Treatment

When it comes to your skincare routine (and your diet) the closer the ingredients are found in nature, the better they are for you. You don't want a ton of product on your skin with ingredient names you can not pronounce. The skin is the largest organ and the first thing people notice during interactions. The components placed on your face are vital, and if you feel like your skin is lacking something the best alternative is to nourish yourself with ingredients found in nature. Organic honey + lemon are two ingredients I turn to when I have acne flare-ups. When I get acne scar discoloration, a lemon and honey treatment always help to regulate my skin tone.

Benefits of organic honey:

Honey has antibacterial properties! It is excellent at removing dirt and cleansing the face, all by itself. It's like a liquid suction for excess oil and impurities. Honey is great for acne treatment prevention. The application of raw honey to the face can reduce redness and swelling.

Pro tip: If you suffer from pollen allergies as I do, eat a spoonful of local honey every morning. It's like taking all-natural Claritin. It will build up your immune system and help you with allergy symptoms! The same bees that supply your local honey, pollinate your local flowers. You will in turn, have a better Spring season trust me.

Benefits of lemon:

Lemons are packed with vitamin c, calcium, and potassium. Lemons have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Lemon juice contains citric acid that gradually fades acne scars and discoloration marks. The ascorbic acids found in lemon help reduce oil production in the skin. If you want to minimize the appearance of your pores, the answer is simple, continually use lemon juice. If you suffer from dry skin, you can dilute lemon juice with water for less irritation.

The process:

- Cleanse face with regular face wash

- Cut lemon into thin slices

- Apply a teaspoon of organic honey onto the lemon slice

- Rub the honey and lemon slice in small circular motions throughout the face and neck.

- Rinse

If you repeat this process twice daily for seven days, you will begin to see results! Your skin tone will even out, and may even feel smoother to the touch. Be extra careful; if you have any micro-cuts or sensitive skin, this toning application could be extremely painful. This honey and lemon treatment is an extra boost for your skin’s health. If you want results for acne scars, skin discoloration, or just overall brightening, this toning application is for you.

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