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Simple DIY Face Mask Recipes

Simple DIY Face Mask Recipes

Face masks come in numerous forms. Sheet masks, clay masks, peel-off masks are all just a few of the ways you can live your best glowing life. What if you need something on the cheap? What if you have a spontaneous date tonight and you need something to boost your complexion? Look no further; I have three fool-proof face masks to give you million dollar glow, that won't break the bank.

Cocoa Hydration

Face feeling a little dry? Mash one-quarter of an avocado in a small bowl. Stir in one tablespoon of cocoa powder and one tablespoon of honey. Leave this mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes. Let the healing honey properties and fatty avocado oil do its thing. Wash off with warm water and moisturize. Ready to go and ready to glow!


This moisturizing mask will wake up your complexion with three simple ingredients. Mash half of one banana in a bowl and immediately eat the other half as a snack. Mix a tablespoon of orange juice and a tablespoon of honey. Apply this lumpy goodness on your face for 15 minutes then, wash off with warm water and moisturize.

Breakfast Beauty

This breakfast-themed mask also you to start your day with the glowing skin you deserve. Combine one egg yolk, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of olive oil, and half a cup of uncooked oatmeal oats. I know you might be tempted to eat this mixture, but stir well and slather on your face. Leave this mask on for 15 minutes and rinse away with warm water and moisturize.

When you do not have the funds to purchase organic Egyptian gold-flaked face masks, invite some friends over and keep it simple. Ingredients found closest to nature are best for simple, yet beneficial skincare results.

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