
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

All About Aneissa

All About Aneissa

My name is Aneissa, and this is my own little corner of the world wide web! If you are reading this I am assuming you like to be entertained and this blog is the perfect place for you. I think it is only fair for you to get to know me because this blog is going to be very personal so we should just dive right in! Let me just start by saying I am not really into biographies and listing all of my accomplishments résumé style so I am just going to answer a few questions and we will keep it light + fun for now.

Where are you from?

Houston, Texas - birthplace of Beyoncé, that is all.

Do you have a nickname?

Aneissker which is also my Instagram handle and Annie. That is the name I use for food/drink orders because its the first three letters of my actual name (A, N, E).

How many siblings do you have?

I have an older brother and an older sister. I am the youngest of three. Also, I recently became an octo-aunt! Four nieces + four nephews.

What’s your favorite food?

What is NOT my favorite food might be a more straightforward question. There is seriously nothing I would not try. I usually say try everything twice, once just to try it and once to make sure you do not like it.

Go to drink from Starbucks?

I have three:

- An extra hot white mocha latte with an extra shot of espresso

- Caramel macchiato

- Sweetened green tea lemonade

Do you play any instruments?

The drums, the bass, the violin, and if you are really patient, the piano.

Your dream job?

My dream job would be sitting at home and getting paid to put luxurious skincare products of my face all day.

Your biggest fear?

Something happening to my eyeballs. I am not sure why, I just feel like my eyeballs need to be protected at all costs.

Your biggest pet peeve?

When people text, “Lol.” It is like a weird filler when people do not know what to say, or they try to lighten the mood. I think it is so unnecessary. I usually just send the emoji smiling with the tears. If you get a text from me that says lol, know my phone has been stolen.

Morning or night person?

Morning, definitely. Waking up early helps me to be more productive. Those quiet hours in the morning are precious to me. I really feel like I am eighty-eight years old at heart. I still read the newspaper, I yell at hoodlum children, and I am almost always in bed by 9:00pm.

Your dream vacation?

Bora Bora. The huts with the glass floor so you can look down and see the ocean? Yes please! It is on my destination bucket list.

Why did you start a blog?

I started a blog because I feel like it would be fun to have these aspects of my life documented. If you have not explored yet let me tell you, this blog is going to cover some personal details of my life, faith + devotion: virtual recipes, overall health, and things I have always wanted to try. I think this endeavor is going to be totally fun, and I appreciate you taking time out of your day to adventure with me!

Paradigm Shift Podcast

Paradigm Shift Podcast