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Ten Free Ways To Recharge

Ten Free Ways To Recharge

As much as I adore a good "treat yo self" afternoon, I do not always have the funds to spend on my favorite things. Macarons are great, fresh flowers make me feel alive, and Lush Cosmetics are a borderline necessity. However, I have compiled a list of ten things you can do to make you feel rejuvenated, and the best part is, it will cost you $0.00!


Smiling is so underrated! If you are passing another human being on the street and you cannot show them the courtesy of a smile, you do not deserve teeth. It pains me to see people, people who claim to have joy walk around in public like they have cacti in their boots. Smile, the most amusing thing to me is when I smile at someone, and they have to force the corners of their mouth to turn upwards, then they swiftly look away. Expressing glee through a smile is free, it is fun, and I am not going to lie, it has helped me receive some free coffee every now + then.

Listen to music

My Spotify playlist is categorized by colors. My playlist titled, "Blue," is filled with calming tunes to help me unwind. After a song or two on this playlist, I can resume my daily responsibilities feeling fresh and ready to tackle the next obstacle. Incorporate music while doing something you love; music completely changes the atmosphere and helps you get into more of a creative mindset.


This is the proper way to indulge in a nap.

  1. Completely consume a caffeine boosting drink like coffee or tea

  2. Set a timer for 30 minutes

  3. Make sure your room conditions are as cool + dark as possible

  4. Lay down and rest until the timer goes off

Once you wake up the caffeine should just start to kick in giving you that extra boost you need to keep you energized for the remainder of the afternoon and into the evening.

Take a walk 

If you have some time in your schedule, walk around your neighborhood at sunset. There is something so spectacular about being outdoors during golden hour. Just knowing that you will never get that sunset ever again should be an exceptionally soothing thought to carry you into the night time. Fresh air is always great for a recharge.

Educate yourself 

If you have side projects for hobbies that interest you, take a look at someone who is into the same things on YouTube. It is easy to get lost in a vortex of YouTube videos, but if you set aside half an hour to watch something beneficial + educational, it can not only relax you and help you re-charge, it can improve your work ethic and attitude towards your side hustle to make it as best it can be.

Stretch and breathe

Releasing the tension in your body helps you break up the tasks you are doing throughout the day. If you sit at a desk or you are in a sitting position for the majority of the day, every 90 minutes, change up your scenery and take a 10-minute stretch break. Stretching is beneficial before bed as well. If you want more information on how to have a good night's rest, check out the following blog post. Breathe, not just breathing to stay alive, take time to inhale and exhale with intention and gratitude. Even if it is for one minute, close your eyes, think about absolutely nothing, and lose yourself in relaxation.


Sleep Better Tonight



Praying is free + extremely beneficial! When you make an effort to connect with God, it helps you focus your thoughts and priorities. Praying forces you to find the words to say and adequately address situations that are weighing you down. There is nothing more relaxing than communicating with the God of the universe. He is the only one that can genuinely alter any situation. 


One of the driving forces for interactions is social media. It is no secret that everyone is posting the best and the brightest of their highlight reel. Some days never get seen online because they are not as fun-filled as the others, and that is ok. Understanding the importance of not comparing yourself on social media is crucial. It is more than ok to take a step back from devices and just be. 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You is an incredible novel by Tony Reinke. He accurately describes fears and challenges we strive to overcome daily concerning our mobile devices, and it is highly recommended! Talk about taking a step back: purchase this book, find a quaint spot outside, enjoy the sun, and read it for yourself. 


12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You by Tony Reinke



Writing down thoughts transitions your feelings out of your brain and onto paper. When you pen your emotions, you can easily see anything that needs to be changed, stressing you out, or merely bringing you joy. In the morning, write down what you are grateful for it can help your attitude throughout the week. Reflecting on your day and writing your thoughts in the evening can help you have some mental clarity before sleep. 


One reason you could feel on pins and needles is the clutter in your space. Whether it is your desk, your room, or your car, make time to get the junk out. When you have a pleasant living environment, it helps bring clarity into the tasks you are handling. Nothing can help me re-charge more than wearing my most raggedy clothes, cranking out the tunes, and scrubbing the toilet bowl. Cleaning/organizing helps me unwind, and it makes me feel like a better person overall.

Rejuvenation does not have to cost a thing! When you learn to tweak the smaller things that need attention in your life, they help build up to handling the more difficult tasks with ease. Take time out for yourself to rejuvenate and the previously listed ways, and you will find sometimes it is more fun to treat yo self to a healthier life.

Ziti alla Zozzona

Ziti alla Zozzona