
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Five Habits of Boss Babes

Five Habits of Boss Babes

Boss babes have their priorities in order. That is just the way it is. We understand the value of time and we squeeze every minute for what it’s worth. Whether you are an early bird or a night owl, boss babes all have one thing in common, we are productive and masters of knowing what’s important throughout the day and what can wait. Here are five habits of the boss babe.

Prepare your outfit the night before:

When you pick out your outfit for the next day in the evening time, it boosts your confidence. You are setting yourself up for a great day; you are investing in your tomorrow. Doing this makes the gradual transition to prepare yourself for whatever may come. Check the weather app. Is it going to rain? You might want to wear boots instead of sandals. When you coordinate and iron your outfit in the evening, it gives you extra time to sleep and get ready for the next step…

No snoozing:

Here is what happens when you snooze. You have to get up at 8:00 am so you set your alarm clock for 6:30 am so you can really be up at 7:00. Your legit wake-up time rolls around, and you think, well I already have my outfit picked out so I can just snooze again, then it is 7:15 and you think, I am just going to keep my messy bun authentic today. Then, before you know it, you are flying out of bed trying to brush your teeth with one hand and button your top with the other. Give yourself plenty of time to get completely ready. Like, walk out of the house and see the love of your life ready. If that routine takes you an hour, set your alarm clock for one hour before you are supposed to be walking out the door. When that alarm clock goes off, open your eyes, sit up, Thank God for another day, and move on to the next step.

Drink water:

We are supposed to be drinking 6-8 glasses (or 16 oz bottles) of water a day, so why not start your day with one? There are so many benefits to drinking H2O first thing in the morning including boosting your metabolism + balancing your pH levels. If you are a java junkie like me, it is important to hydrate before your coffee to regulate your bod. So in the morning before anything else, chug! Then, throughout the day do whatever it takes to make sure you are on track with your water progress. Flush your body people, this is the only skin you are in!

Email time:

I used to check every email as it came in, like text messages. It got to the point where I was driving + trying to clear my inbox. That could have been a terribly dangerous situation.

"I’m sorry for your loss, how did she pass?”

“She received an email from Lush...”

No, no there are many more adventures to be had. So I set aside an email hour in the evening to go through and really pay attention to what’s coming in. It actually gave me the chance to unsubscribe to a ton of senders. I might miss a few flash sales here + there, but it kept my wallet happy. If someone emailed me throughout the day, they would still receive a response within 24 hours, no big deal.

Wind down:

You know I am all about relaxation, some days I TLC harder than others, but every single night I make sure I relax before bed, Diffusing lavender oils, face masks, stretching, reading a few pages these are all great ways to set sail for dreamland. You will never regret taking care of yourself with a nightly routine. Winding down helps you process your day and enables you to get ready for the next one.

If you are a boss babe, you’re already doing these things (and probably a few more). If you are not entirely on this level yet, start today. You will gradually see a change in your stress levels, and your views on specific tasks will begin to change. Everything will have a place on your list of importance, and you will be killing the game harder than ever before. You go, girl.

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