
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Life Lessons To Learn Sooner Rather Than Later

Life Lessons To Learn Sooner Rather Than Later

Small mental changes and active gestures can improve your life immensely. Develop the following minor lifestyle habits, and you will turn into a charming, happier, more attractive individual.

  • Adopt a firm handshake

  • Make a healthy amount of eye contact during conversation

  • Protect entrusted information

  • Smile at every person you make eye contact with


Never fully dressed without a smile.

  • Always accept an outstretched hand

  • Routinely and anonymously pay-it-forward

  • When playing games with children, let them win

  • Become the most enthusiastic person you know

  • Lead with the negative news, follow up with the positive news

  • Do not allow technology to interrupt in-person moments

  • Lose graciously

  • Win graciously

  • When someone hugs you, be the last to let go

  • Strive for a life with no regrets


Be unapologetically you.

  • Be bold with what you believe in, and have the evidence to defend your convictions

  • Never waste an opportunity to share your true feelings

  • Begin each day with some of your favorite music

  • Speak in the manner you would like to be addressed

  • Respect every single human being you interact with

Major Things To Stop Investing In

Major Things To Stop Investing In

Host The Ultimate Friendsgiving

Host The Ultimate Friendsgiving