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Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring cleaning is the highlight of my year! I am all about organization and getting my life right. You know that friend who says, “Oh please excuse the mess!”, but their house is absolutely flawless, that’s me. Spring cleaning is recharging and de-cluttering your life. This journey is unpredictable at times, so the least you can do is have your house in order. A fantastic Spring cleaning job takes about six days. If you are doing it right, your home will be utterly flawless + you will feel like a new person in a brand new abode! It is my duty, nay privilege to share with you my Spring cleaning tips.

Monday, the hardest task:

Have you heard that expression, swallow the frog first thing in the morning? Doing your most laborious task first makes for a better week. For me, the hardest task would be cleaning the garage. It is just so easy for junk to accumulate in the garage! This is where your inner Cutthroat Kelly comes into play. Do you need your son’s preschool macaroni art? Absolutely not, throw it out. Ask yourself this about every item you find in the garage, do you need that old suitcase, or is it time for another one? If it is not an absolute necessity, throw it out. Trust your gut, these are sharp yes or no answers, do not hesitate, and you will thank me for it later. Start early and only take a short intentional breaks. If you are serious about Spring cleaning, you will be finished by the end of the day. Rearrange the big things you need to keep like your lawn equipment and trash the rest. Your vehicles should be protected in the garage, not your daughter’s first Barbie playhouse.


Bedrooms: start from the closet, start high and work your way down. If shoes are at the top of the closet, examine each pair. Do you have shoes with their best days behind them? If so, toss them out. Heel caps gone, toss. Scuffed beyond repair, toss. Scratched straps, toss! Move on to clothes. If you have not worn a garment in over 365 days, you are not going to magically have the urge to wear it again. You either cannot fit it, or the trend is over.

Pro tip: a well-rounded closet should be 70% basic pieces and 30% trendy pieces.

You don’t have to throw clothes away! Unless they are damaged, you can sell or donate them. That way, they are going to good use. Thoroughly examine your closet then move on to the actual room portion. Once again, start from the top and work your way down.

  • Ceiling fans- wipe

  • Top shelves- dust

  • Windows- clean

  • Dressers- unworn/damaged clothing- toss, fold remaining items

  • Beds- stripped + linen washed

  • Floors- swept or vacuumed


Kitchen: starting from the top and working your way down. Old dishes or dishes that don't match the rest of your aesthetic, bye bye! Take everything out of the refrigerator + wipe the fridge down. You might even find some items that do not belong there anymore! Do the same with your freezer. Bleach your stove/countertops. A significant thing tons of people forget about is their Keurig. There is Keurig cleaning solution at your local grocery store, just run it through your machine. An alternative is white vinegar. Fill your Keurig reservoir to the max with vinegar, run it through nonstop, then repeat the process with water, and you should be good to go! Tupperware can accumulate and take up a considerable amount of cabinet space if it is not organized. Take some time and match your containers and lids, toss out items that do not have a partner. Sweep + mop your kitchen floors with authority, boiling water, and bleach. You should be able to see your reflection in the tile after this process is complete.


Bathroom. Using a ziplock bag and a rubber band, soak your shower head in white vinegar for at least one hour. This process will get rid of build up and reinstate even water pressure. Bleach/ scrub your shower area and tub. Wipe down mirror and faucets. Trash any cabinet items that have expired, or you no longer use. Scrub your toilet. The Archbishop of Canterbury should be able to eat soup out of your toilet bowl; it should be so polished. Organize the cabinets under the sink. Sweep and mop bathroom tiles. If you have any area rugs in the bathroom, give those a wash.


Living room, this also includes the laundry room + home office. You know the drill.

  • Start with the ceiling fan

  • Dust/wipe pictures

  • Vacuum underneath the couch cushions

  • Wipe down coffee and end tables

  • Sweep, mop, and wash area rugs, or a vacuum room carpet

  • Organize the soaps/detergents in the laundry room

  • Clothing should be put in their designated areas as well


Virtually Spring clean. Unsubscribe from emails you do not want to receive. Delete anything you do not want on your computer. Trash old pictures + messages and free up some space on all of your devices.

The Spring cleaning process does not have to take six days; it all depends on the amount of time you have to devote to it. The most important thing to keep in mind is that this is a deep clean. This is an opportunity for you to have a fresh start and really fall in love with your living space all over again. So go crazy, put on your ultimate jams and work. You won't regret investing in your area. You can never be too organized!

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