
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Road Trip Essentials

Road Trip Essentials

Summer is here, and that means, it is time to get on the road do some traveling! A few of my best memories have been spent with the majority of the time in the car laughing it up with friends + fam. Sometimes the journey is more enjoyable than the destination! I was fully prepared to have the ride of my life and you can too with these road trip tips + essentials.

Comfort is key:

If you are going to sit in a vehicle for hours at a time, the apparent choice is wrinkle-free clothing and your most comfortable slippers. The more relaxed you are, the faster time will go by. There is nothing wrong with stopping at the local Piggly Wiggly to make a quick change before you get to where you are really supposed to be.


Bring a variety of distractions for yourself + the kids. Mix it up with books, devices, and card games. Have a few activities where everyone is included; even the driver gets bored now and then. Later, break it up with some time where everyone is in their own world.

Snack it up:

Prepared snacks on a road trip help you stay organized, save travel time, and save money. When meals and stops are not well planned that leaves room for impulse buying and loading up on a ton of sugar, you do not need. Assorted fruits and cheeses are healthy and mess-free. You know what your friends, fam, and kids can handle, pack accordingly.

Emergency essentials:

I keep a ton of extra things in my car. You never know what you are going to need throughout the day. For friends traveling, or a family of six, keeping extra things might fill up your car before your luggage! So make sure you have the basics:

- a trash bag

- napkins or tissue

- chargers + power banks

- water

- umbrella

- throw blankets/pillows

- wipes

- personal headphones

Traveling should be the most effortless part of a vacation. Stock your glovebox and the compartments under the seat with the previous items, and you should be good to go! So whether you are headed to the beach or across the country; work smarter not harder this summer with these road trip essentials.



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Twenty- Five Things I've Learned In Twenty-Five Years