Twenty- Five Things I've Learned In Twenty-Five Years
I am so grateful I am slowly comprehending the critical concept of time early in life. Unfortunately, some people do not understand the more sophisticated version of YOLO and just how quick and temporary this life is. Each day is a gift, which means every year is a blessing. Here are twenty-five things I have learned over twenty-five God-given years.
Give the person you are interacting with your undivided attention.
Have at least one signature dish.
Never be the last person to leave a party.
Say what you mean in the most tasteful way.
Find the perfect balance of text messages + phone calls.
Move your bod at least thirty minutes a day.
The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts toward it.
Tackle the most challenging task first.
"No." is a full sentence; no need to provide a reason or an excuse.
You are on time if you are fifteen minutes early.
Strive for perfection, land in excellence.
Evolve daily- embrace your weaknesses and perfect your strengths
Evaluate regularly- take time to process your mental health monthly
If the opportunity for luxurious desserts arises, tackle it!
If the opportunity for luxurious desserts arises, tackle it!
14. Fail early, fail often, fail forward.
15. Indulge in at least one fine thing in life and unapologetically embrace it.
16. Smile at everyone you make eye contact with while you still have your original grill.
17. Be stubborn about your goals, flexible about your method.
18. Invest in your close friends.
19. Tithe your finances, time, and talent.
20. Do not allow people to project their fears onto you.
21. Listen first; render your opinion later.
22. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer helps you grow or makes you happy.
23. Explain your anger, try not to express it.
24. Try everything twice. Once just to try it, and again to make sure you do not like it.
25. Always get completely dressed and ready before you leave the house.
And one to grow on:
You can only be offended if:
- What has been said is true
- If you value the other person's opinion