Effective Habits Of The Weekend Warrior
Picture this: it's Friday afternoon, and for some, its the most exciting part of the week! The weekend is loading, and happy days are (almost) here again. Don't just aimlessly clunk through Saturday and Sunday, earn your weekend warrior stripes, and seize the day, in every way.
Set an alarm
An alarm clock, on the weekend- it almost seems unlawful. Of course, you need your extra Zzz's, but try to focus your weekend on accomplishing tasks to help you toward a productive Mondy-Friday. That means a few extra hours off the clock, but when midmorning hits, it's showtime.
Visualize your day
Slow coffee
Brunch with bffs,
Grocery shopping for the week
Target run
Midday coffee
Meal prep
Detox bath
Really plan out your weekend. It will give you a sense of responsibility. The weekend is your opportunity to thrive on your terms, make the most of it by getting prioritized + organized. Not too much work though, you have to party hard, as well.
Meal Prepping From The Expert
Practice Gratitude
The workweek can be overwhelming, slow it down a bit, and take time to be grateful. Put on some relaxing music, stretch, breathe, and acknowledge at least five things you are thankful for this week. Write them down in a weekly journal for a calming outlet and something to refer back to if you feel a cranky attitude flaring up- no judgment here.
Exhale the negative
Squeeze the life out Saturday + Sunday! Drinking water? Infuse it with your favorite fruit. Plan on sleeping all day? Wear your most comfortable pajamas and lounge, baby! Whatever you have planned, follow through to the best of your ability. You will never regret investing in yourself.