
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Five Toxic Habits To Eliminate For A Healthier Lifestyle

Five Toxic Habits To Eliminate For A Healthier Lifestyle

People, gadgets, and even food can bring a temporary sense of happiness. Joy is cultivated through a positive mindset and prosperous habits. A happy and mentally healthy person will focus on traits and attributes that nourish rather than tear down. Here are five practices you might need to get rid of in order to see the brighter side of things.


One way to yank your self-confidence down at lightening speed is to compare your social media content with someone else's. You are trading your present moment for someone else's past + perfected moment. When it comes down to having a fully content social media presence, the key is simple. Produce content that makes you happy and consume content that inspires you. If your social media account content is uniquely you, you won't feel that pull to be someone you are not. Stay true to yourself in every realm.

Unhealthy routines

Tons of screen time and junk food cloud the mind and do not allow you to operate at your fullest potential. Each activity you fill your day with will either enhance your lifestyle or inhibit it. We all have the same amount of time in the day; how you handle it matters. Some quick tips to a healthy routine:

  • Get out of bed as soon as the alarm clock goes off

  • No screen time before 10:00 am

  • Have a go-to container of water by your side at all times, drink and refill it throughout the day

  • Spend at least 30 minutes outside each day

  • Create a full and relaxing evening skincare routine

  • No screen time one hour before bed


Making the most of your time is a strong foundational concept here on Just Aneissa. Time is The Hottest Commodity we have, and to mindlessly waste it is devastating. Do whatever it takes to get your mind task-oriented. Alarms, reminders, and timers can all aid in practicing good time-management. Do not trade your time for endless scrolling or glazed-over screen time. Set up your day to cater to what is best for you. Customize your day to work in your favor, and you will have satisfaction in knowing you utilized every second to your advantage.

Craving approval and validation

The simplicity of it is, we want everyone we meet to like us. The reality is we are all unique individuals with various backgrounds and beliefs, so we will clash- and that is ok. Each interaction we have is a learning experience. We either 1) solidify our ideas through mature conversations or 2) See concepts from another perspective and expand our thinking through mature discussions. Craving approval and validation limit the beauty we have to offer this world. Actively seeking support from others will lead to burnout and resentment, debt, and even illness. The sooner you realize the importance of your unique contribution to this world, the healthier you will be. Do not cheat yourself in the personality department, and do not dull your shine to make others feel comfortable.

Lack of authenticity

(Following the crowd)

Paired with craving approval and validation, another toxic trait is a lack of authenticity. If everyone were dedicated to being solely and uniquely true to themselves, there would be no time for mindless followers or uncreative activity. You've heard birds of a feather flock together? Of course, you are naturally attracted to people with the same interests or beliefs as you; the key to being an individual creative person is taking something you see and like, and taking it to the next level. True creatives exhaust their resources in order to put out a fresh concept of a signature look. It is frankly disturbing to see hard work mimicked verbatim. Try not to cross that line of artistic thievery; take something you see and enjoy and elevate it to something that has never been done before.

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