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How To Match Social Energy & Build Healthy Relationships

How To Match Social Energy & Build Healthy Relationships

Are you feeling drained from taking care of everyone but yourself? Do you worry about the needs of others and feel like the love is not reciprocated? Does overthinking have you distracted and losing precious beauty sleep? You need to try energy matching.

Here at JA, we have coined the term energy matching. The concept is straightforward. If you feel like you are becoming too codependent and your relationships are beginning to feel one-sided, simply take time to evaluate and match the other parties' energy. Meaning if someone only communicates to you through text exchange, acknowledge that some people can only go to that highest mental communication level (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that). If someone calls you, answer and understand, they feel comfortable speaking to you through that outlet. Acknowledge you can call them without hesitation as well. If someone reaches out for that sacred face-to-face interaction, be grateful for the opportunity to commune with those you care about and make time in your schedule for them. Most importantly, if someone is ghosting or ignoring you, take that as a sign they need space and use that opportunity to grow yourself.

Building healthy relationships has a heavy component of understanding yourself, your love language, and your communication methods. Once you understand your strengths and weaknesses as an individual, you can master where you fit in concerning the lives of others. One of the biggest mistakes stronger personalities and overthinkers can make is jumping to conclusions regarding their roles in relationships. They hold that texting-only friend to the face-to-face friend's standard and invite space for miscommunication and disappointments to creep in.

So how do you prioritize the roles others play in your life? It begins with a clean slate. Take one week to step away from initiating conversations, no texts, no calls, no scheduled meet-ups. Fall back and see who texts you, who calls you, and who wants to take time to reconnect with you. Of course, you should already know where you stand with some individuals in your life, but do not be afraid to see first hand where you stand with some of the people in your circle. This is not a foolproof use 'em or lose 'em friendship technique; what it does is allows a general idea of where you stand with others and how you should switch things up. You do not treat an acquaintance the same way you would treat a long-time family friend. Make time and space for those who make time and space to you. Energy matching opens up a method of understanding, and it allows you to flow in that realm of communication to the best of their ability. Thriving in areas where others feel comfortable helps you build stronger connections and acknowledges that each individual has their own "canal" in your life. Protect your mental health by matching social energy.

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