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Three Tips To Avoid WFH Burnout

Three Tips To Avoid WFH Burnout

Working from home has the opportunity to be a blessing or a curse depending on how you look at it. Staying indoors means you are always in a safe place. It is familiar and comfortable therefore reassuring. On the other side of that coin, working from home also has the ability to slow down productivity and bring a sense of redundancy. Here are three tips to avoid WFH burnout.

- An intentional morning routine

We are not saying put on a power suit, walk out of the front door, and come through again. Having an intentional morning routine means changing out of those cozy PJs, a morning skincare routine, and please take a brush through that hair. These boundary-crossing activities are essential for your brain because they help you recognize that there is work to be done.

- Find a Work time budget

If it is possible to determine the time frame you work in, use each minute to your advantage! Before you clock in or begin your meetings, prepare a crockpot meal for dinner. If you have little ones in the house that take a nap regularly, use that quiet time frame to make calls or focus on your the more mentally challenging aspects of your job, which leads us to the final step.

- Focus on your most important work

Prioritize your work by focusing on your most grueling tasks at the beginning of each day. WFH life can be unpredictable, but if you use those morning hours for productivity, you could have a smoother afternoon and evening when it is time to get back to your regularly scheduled home life.

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