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Simple Life Lessons To Apply In Relationships

Simple Life Lessons To Apply In Relationships

Sometimes in life, we are presented with hard pills to swallow, but the thing about pills is that we need to take them to feel better; they only benefit us and help us heal. Here are four simple life lessons that may seem difficult to master at first, but they will inevitably strengthen your relationships.

It is no one's responsibility to make you happy.

We as individuals have to stop giving up our power by expecting someone or something to change your life for the better. Cultivate the hobbies and things that positively feed your true authentic self and never let go of what makes you as an individual feel validated.

No one owes you anything.

You are the leader of your own life. You cannot help the experiences that happen to you, but you can control how you react after incidents happen. Every day we lean toward the positive or negative side of situations, and whichever tinted glasses we choose to wear can affect our entire outlook on life.

Falling for the potential of someone versus who they actually are will cause grave pain and disappointment.

Have you been let down? It tends to be more than a sense of sadness; there's a discouragement paired with unmet expectations. Of course, we want to see the best in people, and as friends, we want to see their potential met, but developing feelings first and hoping they will change later is a recipe for resentment. Maya Angelou said, "If someone shows you who they are, believe them." Do not to ignore red flags, emotional triggers, or gut feelings. Try not to place your standards on someone who may not reach your mental capacity.

Not everyone thinks like you.

Due to upbringing and different walks of life, what makes sense to you will not make sense to someone else necessarily. This is where the power of communication comes into play. Fully express your reasoning for your decisions and allow the other party to explain their reaction to your decision or their side of the situation. You may learn, and more importantly, you may be able to see things from another point of view and stand on common ground.

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