Paradigm Shift Podcast
I was very late to the podcast party. In fact, I have probably only listened to about four full podcast episodes before I heard the one that would change my life forever. Yes, forever this episode was a game-changer and a complete paradigm shift. The scales have fallen from my eyes. I am indebted to my friend Dana for sending me this podcast. I could not thank her enough, she was so in-tune and knew exactly what I needed to hear. This podcast episode is exactly what everyone needs to hear in my opinion.
Mia Fieldes
My shero.
Mia Fields is a Christian singer/songwriter from Sydney, Australia. She has released multiple albums + has ministered with Hillsong United for over a decade. On October 4, 2018, Mia was speaking at an annual Daughter’s Conference in NYC. The podcast episode was released shortly after that, but during this conference, she expressed a message simply titled, How to Move in Faith. Ok, before this podcast I really thought I had faith. I mean, hello, I am a child of God and faith only has to be the size of a mustard seed according to the Bible, that’s almost nothing! I had faith people were going to be healed of their sickness. I had faith people were going to return to the truth, but it was always just like an abstract concept to me. I never really had walking faith, until now.
In the episode, Mia talks about her early life and growing up in Australia. She’s always been a woman of walking faith. She talks about faith being an active hunt for evidence. She explains that if God gave her something, she would completely embrace it spiritually and then look for evidence for it to happen physically. She talks about thanksgiving and how her mentality has never been, Thank you God for doing this, but Thank you God because it’s already done. That mindset right there blew my pea brain to smithereens! Time is nothing to God. He has an aerial on time. The past, present, and future are all just right there in front of Him.
We are the ones who have a minimal view of time. We have to wake up at 5:00 to be at work at 7:00, have lunch at noon so that we can pick the kids up at 3:00. It’s all very thought out + planned. So to thank God for something we haven’t even seen happen with our own eyes yet seems a bit absurd. Mia keeps a positive attitude as she moves along into adulthood. She states she’s seen God move in every area of her life, except one, her love life. So what does she do? She starts thanking God for her husband; she starts buying men’s cologne, she starts proclaiming things that haven’t even happened yet. It is still a concept I’m trying to wrap my head around. She also talks about her friends having dreams about her wedding day so she prints off the detailed text messages and laminates them! I don’t want to give too many details about this podcast episode, because I think everyone needs to hear this message for themselves, it is powerful. I am begging you to listen to this, it straight up skyrocketed my faith and put my belief into action. I honestly did not think I was going to have time to listen to this entire episode in one sitting, but it was so captivating I had to pause it, make a cup of coffee, and stare of the window listening/hanging on to every word. Then, of course, I fell on my face and started crying when I realized I was doing the absolute least in the faith dept. So I encourage you to clear your mind + your schedule for about an hour and listen to this beautiful story.