JJ Wilburn: A Letter From Ghana
Part two takes us to Ghana! Where I was able to be a part of the 2019 All Africa Leadership Conference or the General Conference of Africa. This experience was so much fun! There was a total of thirty-eight different regions represented at this three-day conference. Every single message was powerful and packed full of the Holy Ghost. David Bernard was a special guest speaker for this conference. During this conference, the regional offering for Africa is taken up. This offering is what the UPCI (United Pentecostal Church International) of Africa uses to support our African Missionaries throughout this continent. This year between the missionaries and the UPCI churches of Africa, over $61,523 raised! Praise God! The best part is, you can never out-give God! Every penny of this soul that will be touched and forever changed! You cannot put a price tag on a soul! I am overwhelmed by the giving spirit of our missionaries. Especially by all of the churches on this third world continent that realize the value of souls!
Staying at the hotel for this conference was a very Ghanaian experience. No hot water, beds that felt like pieces of wood, and most showers were only good for a bucket bath. But this conference was about as rewarding as it can get. I am so excited to see what God is continuing to do on this continent! After this three-day conference, the Missionaries of Africa and the AIMers (Associates In Missions) said goodbye to the nationals. They headed an hour up into a mountain top to an fantastic four-day resort. It was an amazing experience to be there surrounded by every missionary to Africa. It was also a nice refreshing break. Yes, there is no other place I would rather be and trust me, I was more than ready to return to my AIM country, but rest is precisely what I needed. I had espresso every day, and I even had a pedicure, after six months of living in a very un-modernized Africa country. Let’s say it was much needed.I was so happy to reconnect with friends that I made while at Texas Bible College, the Cadd family. They are doing exciting things in Madagascar! We had an excellent service on Sunday. There was a baby dedication, and two missionaries received their ordination! We had some beautiful gatherings and times of fellowship each evening.
The Cadd Family
I am so blessed because I love my African Missionary family so much! It is so comforting to be surrounded by like-minded individuals that understand you without any explanations. I am excited about the future of this continent! I have returned to my AIM country. I feel rested and refreshed. I am excited to take on the future and tackle all that it holds! Missionary work is probably one of the hardest things you can ever do, but without any doubt, it is one-hundred percent the most rewarding thing you can ever be a part of! I am blessed that I get to do this for as long as the Lord allows!