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The Rocking Chair Test

The Rocking Chair Test

A successful businessman, who is well known to be a man of extraordinary integrity, told me that he applies the "rocking chair test" to all his decisions. He pictures himself one day, in his retirement, sitting in his rocking chair and looking back on the decisions that he has made. What will he decide was the right decision and what will he decide was the wrong decision? He wants to ensure that the choices he makes now he will not regret later.

Proverbs 10:1-10 shows us the things we need to avoid, such as laziness (v.4). foolish gossip (v.8-10) and malice (v.10). Honesty and integrity are critical to a life lived without regret. Ill-gotten gain gets you nowhere; an honest life is immortal (v.2 The Message Version). A good and honest life is a blessed memorial; a wicked life leaves a rotten stench (v.7 The Message Version). If you live honestly and with integrity, you can be confident and carefree. But the dishonest will be caught: Shifty is sure to be exposed (v.9 MSG).

Set your life in the right direction by taking the necessary steps toward an eternity in Heaven. Every thought, decision, and action we take is vital in our walk with The Lord. Be intentional with your days and walk uprightly. Like Zaccheus humble yourself and obey. The Lord notices each move we make even if they feel insignificant.

Your Best Spiritual Life

Your Best Spiritual Life

The Main Thing

The Main Thing