A Letter From JJ Wilburn: AIMer To Africa
I have been in Africa for two months now and honestly; time seems so surreal! It feels like I have already been here for years. I am so thankful because the transition of moving from America to Africa was so smooth the second time around. It felt so natural to me; I had no adjustment period. That is one of the best feelings ever, it means that I was finally home, and all was right in my world again! I have been here for two months, and it still hits me every single day that I am in Africa, and I cherish every single second of my time here.
Now that I am here and settled in, my schedule has been all over the place, but I love it and would not have it any other way. I am in a full emersion language program, so I have five hours of class time five days a week, then at least two hours of homework every night after class. While I am here, I am also teaching at an English School. I am there for three hours, three times every week. There is only church on Sunday morning, but that is at least a full half day experience all in itself. Sometimes I even offer to tutor my students so I can have more one on one time where I can witness and talk about Jesus to them. I have a hectic week, and some days I end up going nonstop for twelve or more hours, but I am more than okay with this. I love the people and children at church, I love my students, and I love learning the language. I am becoming better and better with communicating, which is critical in connecting with the people I have been called to.
The food is delicious! I have honestly never tried an African meal that I did not love. Recently at the village church, the Pasteur had a baby dedication for his newest arrival, and afterward, there was a delicious meal served for everyone. It was so much fun because we ate it all with our hands. They had tried offering us spoons, but we delightfully ate it the traditional way. The meat that the served tasted like beef jerky, but I later found out it was the Pasteur’s duck that he had cooked for the meal.
Bon Appetite!
Though I have only been here for two months, and the UPCI (United Pentecostal Church International) work within this country is still reasonably new itself. The Lord has been opening doors within this country. There are a lot of Bible studies that go on weekly to hopefully reach new people here. During my time here, one has been baptized, and another has expressed a desire to be baptized! There is hope for a Bible school to be opened sometime within the near future as well.
I ask that you would continue to pray for me as I serve in any way possible during my time here, I also ask that you would pray for doors to open for more Bible studies, and that The Lord would give revelations to the people hearing about His truth. The Lord is ready to do a work in this country, but it can only be accomplished with helping hands! I ask that you would also prayerfully consider giving funds, so I have the chance to stay for as long as possible and take advantage of every opportunity presented during my time in Africa. You can text AIM59 to 71777 to give a one-time gift or become a monthly partner. PayPal is also a financial option. Thank you so much! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/jjwilburn