
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Wild God

Wild God

Photograph by Dana Long

So we all have that one friend right? To some people, it might be me. That one friend that is straight up berserk, the party animal of the group; the few who understand the true meaning of YOLO + they want to savor every minute of this short life. Take a moment and think about your most entertaining friend. Can you even imagine a world without them? I'm assuming life would be very predictable and remarkably uneventful without this person in it. Well, that person you are thinking about, that is one of God's creations. We, as people are all just a few of God's creations, but God created so much more than just us humans. He created our final resting place with streets of gold- the precious metal that is so sought after here on Earth, and we'll just be dancing on it. He formed the mountain peaks and carved the deep valleys. Each sunset and sunrise is a custom made masterpiece. We have the opportunity to serve this wild God.

I’m not sure when thinking shifted from, “Nothing is impossible!” to, “Well it’s Sunday, time to visit with God.” He didn’t create seven days a week just for you to visit with him for a few hours on Sunday. He is the same God on the Sabbath as He is on Tuesday or any day that ends in the letter y. Some people have a very safe God; they give 10% of their energy to Him, and the Lord gives 10% of His blessings. They come into the church building on Wednesday half asleep and leave the same way they came, why? Their God can’t do the miraculous during a Wednesday night Bible study service. God in my eyes is so vivacious and so full of wonder it makes my head spin! I will never stop trying to study the aspects of my Creator; I can study twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and still feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of this versatile God. From the single-celled organisms to the great white shark, my God has no limits, and He never fails. Every single thing God created was for a purpose and a perfect plan. It all works in harmony for your good. He is the same God here and now as He was in 1743. He is the same God in Paris, France as He is in Sydney, Australia. He is the reason we inhale + exhale, and He even knows the number of hairs on our head. God has zero restrictions and absolutely no limits! It is still amazing to think about how that God lives inside of me like He dwells in my heart. I am a mobile home for the Creator of the galaxies. (I need a t-shirt with that sentence on it.) So please do not just drag your feet when it comes time to enter into the house of the Lord, do not try to fit God’s healing power or creative ability into a box according to your finite schedule. He does not operate on a specific time of day or, a day of the week. The God I serve is wild, and I absolutely could not imagine a life without Him.

DIY Lip Scrub

DIY Lip Scrub

