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You've Been Washing Your Face Wrong

You've Been Washing Your Face Wrong

Believe it or not, there is a wrong way to wash your face. Improper skincare can lead to bacteria build-up + blemishes. We are not about that acne life. So no matter what products you use on your face, here are some tips on steps + proper application.

Regular bar soap- no, no:

You should not use any bar soap on your face. Your bathroom bar soap is made for the hands/body, not the face. It is most likely shared by everyone who uses that bathroom and guests. Unless it is a facial cleanser prescribed by a dermatologist, bar soaps can dry out your skin to the point of no return. Take the time to get to know your face. Study and reevaluate your skin type about every three months and try cleansers you think are right for you. The products do not have to be expensive, just useful for the look we are going to for, that flawless look.

Lukewarm water:

Horrible habit alert, but nothing is better than bathing in boiling water. If the temperature cannot melt the flesh off, it is too cold. Unfortunately, super-hot water can dry out the skin so lukewarm water is the next best thing especially for the face. Pores are not doors. You can not open them with hot water + close them with cold water; you can only cleanse and minimize the appearance of pores. So stick to the middle ground.


Your face drying towel should be free from colored dye and changed often. After washing your filthy face, where do you think the dead skin cells and bacteria are transferred to? Uh yeah, switch it up frequently and pat dry, no need to tug + rub.


Toners are usually a light liquid formula used to reset the pH levels in your skin and help protect from bacteria. Good toners contain one of the following:

• Rosewater- anti-aging properties

• Chamomile- calming qualities

• Witch Hazel- acne fighter

Lightly mist your face with toner before moisturizing.


A little goes a long way when it comes to moisturizers. You want to make sure your moisturizer locks in everything you have previously applied, but you do not want it to be so heavy your skin cannot heal while you slumber. So this is where research comes into play again, evaluate your skin, and see which facial oil or moisturizer works best for you.

Defy gravity:

Any cleansers or moisturizers you are applying to your skin should be used starting at the base of your neck upwards toward your hairline. Gravity will get you one day, but to avoid that St. Bernard look, apply everything in an upward motion.

Eye serums:

The most sensitive area on the face is the area around your eyes/eyelids. Any creams or moisturizers you apply to the eyelids should be kept in the refrigerator and applied on your face by the weakest finger, the ring finger. Starting in the corner of your eye, lightly pat the serum on outward + toward your ear.


Follow mask directions carefully. If the face mask time is 10-15 minutes, stick to it. Face masks might be ultra relaxing, but there is a time limit for a reason!

Switch it up:

It is always a good idea to introduce new products to your nightly routine. The key with this is, you have to introduce new products to your face one at a time. Follow the exact same regimen and only change one variable. (We have it down to a science now.) Slowly applying new products help you to know if it is working or not. If you switch it all up at once, and your face freaks out, you will have a hard time remembering which product to avoid.

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Zuppa Toscana Soup

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