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Strengthen Your Relationships

Strengthen Your Relationships

There is such intricate beauty when it comes to relationships. You cannot always control who comes into your life, but you can control the strength of your affiliation with another person. Strangers, acquaintances, friends, loved ones, all fall into the categories of your choosing. If you want to build and keep relationships, establish Christ-like love for those around you.


Ephesians 4:25

Authenticity is the key to freedom. If you start a relationship with a foundation of truth, you will build long-lasting bonds in the future. Honesty + integrity go hand and hand with authenticity. The ability to be transparent with one another is rare but extremely beneficial.


Ephesians 4:26

Have you ever seen a relationship thrive without passion? Warmth in interactions is crucial. The natural desire to see others succeed should be the driving force in relationships.


Ephesians 4:28

Relationships should have a constant wave of give and take. There must be a back and forth between acknowledgment and generosity. The person who is more generous in a relationship often reaps blessings. In other words, give of yourself entirely in relationships. Honor The Lord, with a liberal lifestyle among people, and He will reward you openly.


Ephesians 4:25

Without support, a relationship is merely people coexisting. Motivation, (especially from someone we love) provides the mental stability we need to keep going. Healthy relationships are riddled with words of affirmation and notes of encouragement. Lift others in prayer and positivity.

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