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Three Ways To Worship

Three Ways To Worship

Why is worship vital; is there really a difference if we skip a day or two of worship? The Bible confirms in Hebrews 12:28-29 that "God is an all-consuming fire” meaning He continuously blesses as we consistently worship Him. So here is the excellent news: we no longer have to sacrifice animals at a physical location to show our worship. Due to the New Testament covenant (Hebrews 12:24), we are now free to express ourselves in worship anywhere!

Worship in Happiness

Just being a positive individual is a form of worship. Have you ever been in a public place and noticed a fellow Christian trying to play the antisocial version of hide-and-never-seek? As Christlike individuals, it is our mission to bring light to this lost world. Worship silently through a friendly smile and a positive outlook pertaining to daily events.

Worship in Holiness

Holiness is so much deeper than the way we appear. Outward holiness is an external result of how we think and our mindset toward The Lord and others. When mental, spiritual progress is made, true holiness in the form of worship thrives.

Worship in Humility

Pride and rebellion are one of the oldest sins in the Bible. Pride led to Satan's downfall, and it is the root of all sin. Worshipping in humility means preferring your brother in certain situations. Worshipping in humility means remaining quiet when everyone is voicing their opinions in order to arouse argumentative conversations. “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6. Worship through grace and humility.

Jalapeño Cream Corn

Jalapeño Cream Corn

Life Lessons To Learn Sooner Rather Than Later

Life Lessons To Learn Sooner Rather Than Later