
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Main Thing

The Main Thing

They say men are waffles + women are spaghetti. Most men tend to compartmentalize things. After one task is completed, they move on to the next situation. They like to work in list formation from A-Z putting each task into waffle-like square accomplishments. Women tend to multitask and intertwine elements. If they can complete numerous tasks at once, we are going to work smarter not harder throughout the day. I'm not sure why men and women are wired that way, but one thing is typical of all people, we like to center our day around the main event/errand — for the people who like to plan, like me, focusing your day around something has many benefits. Our lives should ultimately be focused around The Lord. Having a Christ-centered life will help us in all aspects.

Worship God

Psalm 47: 1-9

The Bible not only invites us to worship; there are detailed instructions on how to worship. Clap, shout, sing, this chapter is full of actions and commands to show affection for The Lord. When you profess your love for someone, you don't just tell them, "Hey, I love you." once a day, you show them with your actions. You have flowers delivered, or you wash their car. You want them to know how much they mean to you, so you show them. If friends + family can drive you to action, how much more should the blessings of The Lord compel us to move for Him?

Pray without ceasing

Luke 18:1-30

When you stay in constant communication with The Lord, an intimate relationship begins to develop. Think about the difference in connection with acquaintances and with your BFFs. There is a certain level of comfort with the people you speak to consistently. The Lord desires that type of relationship with us. When we strive to be in His presence as much as possible, a dialog starts, and we begin to discover aspects of The Lord that we might not have uncovered before. It's a beautiful thing when you can make The Lord your BFF. Not in a disrespectful way, but when you cast all your cares + concerns on Him, there is an absolute peace that comes with knowing you are in communication with the only one who can ultimately change the situation.

Keep it childish

Luke 18:15-18

Have you ever seen children play? One minute they could be arguing with tears of anger in their eyes, and the very next minute, they will be happily chasing each other around the playground. Children have a strange yet, very prominent sense of what is essential in life. The simplicity of a child's mind is remarkable! They are so willing to forgive and so quick to forget, as an adult, it's almost shocking to watch. When we focus on keeping The Lord at the center, we will rapidly begin to see things that don't even matter fade from our priorities.


Deuteronomy 28:15

Serving The Lord is so fulfilling! There are times when I'm doing what seems like the lowliest church chore, and I have a fat smile on my face; why? I'm serving The Lord! I would rather go to bed dog-tired knowing I've done all I could do for the kingdom that day as opposed to just moseying through accomplishing meaningless tasks. When we serve we develop an attitude of gratitude, and we are slowly zoning in our focus on the main thing; cultivating our relationship and drawing others to The Lord.

When we place Him at the forefront of our life relationships grow, work improves, and we start to feel like a better person within. It doesn't matter if we are waffles, spaghetti, or any other delicious carb when The Lord is our main focus, a sense a purpose begins to develop. Maintaining a Christ-centered life is the key to obtaining pure joy.

Magnolia Market Silos

Magnolia Market Silos

Tremendous Target Find

Tremendous Target Find