
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Chocolate Pickle Chips

Chocolate Pickle Chips

So I saw this recipe on Instagram, and it piqued my curiosity. Not enough to post it in the In The Kitchen section of my blog, but just enough to get me to say, "Hmm, never have I ever tried chocolate pickle chips." If you are an expecting mother or you are just as weird as I am; here is the official recipe.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

Yields: 5 servings, 25 chips


- 1 jar of bread & butter pickle chips

- 1 tbs of sugar

- 1 cup of chocolate chips

- 1 tbs of coconut oil

- coarse salt, to taste (optional)


“and the two shall become one”

Mark 10:8


- Place pickle slices on a paper towel-lined baking pan

- Blot pickles until they are slightly dry

- In a bowl, pour the sugar over pickles and mix until the slices are coated

- Chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes

- Heat chocolate chips and coconut oil in the microwave until melted smooth

- Partially (or completely dip) the pickles into the chocolate

- Add coarse salt

- Let the pickles chill in the refrigerator

- Taste + see

The result:

Well, I like pickles. I love chocolate. So when they got married, I have to admit I liked it! They just work well together. Call me crazy or called me cultured, but you can't call me boring. It had a good taste, and they took me on a smooth ride from sour to salty, to sweet. I don't see myself craving this often, but if I would mindlessly snack on this while reading a book. Seven out of ten.

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