
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

One Step At A Time

One Step At A Time

I am awful with directions. You can tell me East and West, left and right all day long, but when I get in my car, the first thing I am doing is pulling out my maps app and looking it up for myself. Technology has come such a long way; it is breathtakingly simple to get from point A to point B in your vehicle. The Lord's plans for your life may not be so instantly accessible. There is a great deal of faith that goes into your daily growth and relationship with The Lord.

Faith is a concept that is often used interchangeably with trust, but the two are not similar. Faith is taking absolutely nothing, no past experiences, no logical solutions, nothing and believing The Lord for it. Faith is action. People with faith do not just sit and wish for things like The Lord is a Supernatural genie. If you have faith The Lord is going to give you a puppy, you go to PetSmart, that is your first step. You walk down the aisle and purchase items a puppy would need, you take another step in faith and believe The Lord is going to deliver what He promised!

Genesis 11:10-13:18 elaborates on the faith of Abraham. I have no children so I cannot imagine the pit in the stomach of someone who has just been told to sacrifice a human being they created and hold so dear. Abraham intentionally and deliberately followed the command of The Lord, and he was blessed for it. He took the necessary steps and was rewarded for his obedience. Abraham's faith, confidence, and willingness to sacrifice is a profound example of how The Lord is with us every step of the way.

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie

2019 Autumn Fashion Trends

2019 Autumn Fashion Trends