How To Keep Your Sanity During Social Distancing
Social distancing is a term applied to specific actions that are taken by Public Health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) or Health Officer has the legal authority to carry out social distancing measures. Since these measures will have a considerable impact on our community, any action to start social distancing measures would be coordinated with local agencies such as cities, police departments, and schools, as well as with state and federal partners. Social distancing may seem like pure + utter torture, but if it is implicated correctly, the spread of disease will slow down immensely and eventually stop. If you are an extrovert, work from home, or live alone. We have the tips you need to keep your sanity during these uncertain times.
Wake up between 8:00-10:00 am
One of the attractive bonuses of social distancing is your schedule is more open and flexible. To avoid straying too far from your normal routine, allow yourself to wake up in the morning hours, have some caffeine, and intentionally start the day.
Drink your water
You are spending your time at home; why not? This is the only opportunity where you will have access to all the water and your own glorious porcelain throne for your 107 potty breaks. Take advantage of it and enter the real world with clear, glowing skin.
I drank a gallon of water every day for thirty days and here’s what happened.
Practice self-care
You know that at-home thing you have always wanted to do/try, but you have never had time for, hello? Start now! A hot oil hair treatment, bubble bath, a DIY manicure. Whatever it is that you feel like your best life has been lacking - indulge in that activity. Then, try to incorporate that luxury once you are back on your daily schedule.
Set goals for the day
Spring cleaning season is here! Organize every room in the house + give yourself a sense of daily responsibility. Nothing is more refreshing than knowing every single inch of your home is cleaned to perfection. Need help on where to start? Check out Spring Cleaning Tips linked below!
Spring Cleaning Tips
Get wacky
With these uncertain times, it is essential to keep it spontaneous, people! Let your freak flag fly. Paint something new, try cool indoor photographs, write a song. Get creative; take a poll on social media to see what you should try next.
Define night time
If you can help yourself, slow down at night. Try an evening shower and diffuse lavender oil to really calm the mind. Limit your screen time, but keep it cozy. Snuggle up with a great book, or call a friend and check on their mental health.
The biggest key to overcome the anxiety of social distancing is to keep up with a healthy amount of news and stay updated with the time of day. Do not allow the days to blur together; give your new-found free time a sense of purpose and do not forget to stay active.