Health Benefits of Eucalyptus
The most essential essential oil is Eucalyptus oil. There are some serious health benefits from this oil, and it should be kept in your home in large quantities. Here are a few reasons why.
Repel unwanted pests
Say "bye-bye" to unwanted creepy crawlers. Beetles, mosquitos, and crickets, and numerous other insects cannot handle the strong minty smell, so they often stay away. Apply eucalyptus oil to your baseboards, door frames, and garage perimeter for a refreshing aroma + a pest-free home.
Antibacterial properties
This super plant is a natural, antibacterial decongestant that often reduces the intensity of respiratory illnesses. A routinely scheduled eucalyptus shower can regulate your system and provide respiratory relief. Minty aromas can help relax the muscles in your chest, suppress unnecessary coughing, and help you breathe easier. Take a small bunch of fresh leaves and place them on a cutting board or spread out sheets of newspaper. With a rolling pin, slowly crush leaves to release the scent. Tie the bouquet together at the bottom + place upside down over the showerhead. Shower as usual and try to breathe as deeply as possible. For severe asthma or sore throat, boil two to three fresh leaves and incorperate the water to your favorite tea. Add honey + lemon and let it steep for three to five minutes before consuming.
Let off steam.
Soothe cold sores
The anti-inflammatory properties of eucalyptus can ease symptoms of herpes. Applying eucalyptus oil to a cold sore may reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Add one to two drops of eucalyptus oil to a nighttime lip Vaseline or balm for ultimate healing protection.
Eucalyptus oil is a natural immunity boosting stimulant. Soothe joint pain, alleviate headaches, speed up the healing process for wounds + burns, and help reduce symptoms of flu and fever. Incorporate it into your home in the form of fresh healing decor or essential oil form. Eucalyptus is safe to diffuse around children, and the best benefit of all is it smells absolutely amazing. Want to know what other essential oils I keep in my purse at all times? Check out Self Help Tips Every Girl Should Know!
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