
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Almost Apostolic Podcast

The Almost Apostolic Podcast

The world is evolving, times are changing, and we are constantly busy. Here at JA, we understand that everyone might not have the time to devote to sitting down + reading all of our content. So we have great news Just Aneissa readers; we have taken the devotion portion of this blog website and turned it into...

The Almost Apostolic Podcast

What a journey this project has been; let's start with the title. While it does seem to grab attention due to the fact we are called to be absolutely Apostolic and submerged in a Holy way of living, Almost Apostolic means we are striving for perfection in an imperfect world. Each and every day, we must crucify our spiritual man. We will never be perfect and wholly sanctified until we are on the other side. As Christians, we will constantly be on that uphill battle toward a more Apostolic lifestyle- hence the name. It is one part reflective truth, one part clickbait, and we are ok with that.

Why start a podcast?

Blog websites and podcast episodes fall under the same category of "pull" social media. There are two types of social media, push and pull. Push smedia (smedia: social media blend, slang) projects and projects its agenda whether you choose to indulge in it or not. Some examples of push social media would be television and radio. It is a continuous flow of "news" and information. We, on the other hand, are quite the fans of pull social media. Pull smedia, when appropriately used, lures you in and helps you escape the real world. When utilizing the attraction, consumers pull on different resources from the same outlet. Kind of like when you immediately finish buying a new outfit online, and the very next button option to click on is, ‘continue shopping.’ It draws you in until suddenly you look up at the clock and hours have passed. The Almost Apostolic Podcast and the Just Aneissa blog website contain tons of enriching content in every capacity, but the concept is simple. If you want to learn and be a part, the choice is yours; no one is forcing you to enjoy.

Platforms + availability

Almost Apostolic can be found on the Spotify platform with new episodes every Monday at 8:00 am.

Why you should listen

We have made the foundational concept of AA to highlight the hidden jewels of the Apostolic Movement. People of faith share their salvation stories, testimonies, and fun facts about their lives. Each episode gives you a glimpse into the guest host's life story. Producing these podcast episodes has been a learning process in the technical realm and an opportunity for spiritual growth. There are hours of practical advice, book and podcast recommendations, and a few concepts we are optimistic you will enjoy! We hope you will invest some of your spare time into this project.

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Slow-Cooker Mississippi Chuck Roast

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