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Tremendous Target Find

Tremendous Target Find

ATTENTION ATTENTION. Look no further for the absolute best thing in skincare. I consider myself a skincare connoisseur, so the fact that I’ve just now heard about/ tried this product for the first time is borderline unbelievable. Better late than never! Susan Yara, a YouTube + Amazon sensation, introduced me to the Amazon $10.95 Health and Beauty Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay “World’s Most Powerful Facial.” So I’m watching this video, and I’m like, “Ok yeah, I’ll have to put that in my prime cart and get it soon.” Then, I just go on about my daily errands. So I’m at Target, and you know you never go to Target with a list of things you need. You go in + Target tells you what you need. It just so happens that my local Target went under some renovations recently and I was strolling through the new beauty section. It was strange that I even saw it because the product was on the lowest shelf inches above the ground. There it was, I physically turned to look over my shoulder for I heard angels singing. Health and Beauty Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay “World’s Most Powerful Facial” for 7.99! I snatched it up and danced as David danced. I used it that same night. 

The process:

Mixing 1.5 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar (water if you have sensitive skin) with 1 tsp of the dry clay powder. Mix and apply with plastic utensils -metal negates it. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin leave the mask on for anywhere between 10-20 minutes. Do not wash it off in the sink because it will clog your drain. Wet paper towels and wipe away the majority then, wipe the last bit off with a damp washcloth. 

What happened: 

The Apple Cider Vinegar mixing with the dry clay powder make small fizzy bubbles. The chemist in me was thrilled with these ingredients creating something incredible. I spread a thin layer of the wet mask all over my face avoiding the eye are and let it sit for 20 minutes, but it didn’t take long to feel the effects. After five minutes, the mask began to dry, and I could feel my skin tightening. If felt like someone was lightly pinching my face starting from the nose and mouth area. Then, the mask began to tighten all over, and I could feel my heartbeat in my face, it was terrific. After 20 minutes, the mask had small Sahara desert looking cracks. I took off the mask as previously directed. 

Would I recommend:

I obviously felt immediate results. My skin felt tighter, and my pores looked smaller in appearance after just one use. The result of this has a lot to do with the calcium bentonite clay. CBC is the main ingredient in a lot of skincare products. So this mask is essentially cutting out the middle man + giving your face exactly what it needs. It is so powerful; the tightness is a result of the clay drawing out impurities in the skin and the new true you is revealed underneath. After you wipe it off, and you can actually feel smooth + supple looking skin. So in the constant battle of who reigns supreme: Target vs. Amazon. Target won this one! I'm begging you to try this product if you don't already have it in your repertoire. Once a week take "treat yo self" to another level.


Chemical Peel vs Facial Scrub

Chemical Peel vs Facial Scrub

Benefits Of The Peel-Off Face Mask

Benefits Of The Peel-Off Face Mask