
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Twenty-Five Selfcare Ideas For A Bad Day

Twenty-Five Selfcare Ideas For A Bad Day

For the days you just come home, and you are absolutely done with the people of the outside world. Take some time for yourself to relax and work on your mental health. Here are twenty-five ways to chill out and invest in you.

1.Drink herbal tea

2. Write down self-affirmations

3. Take a detox bath 


Take A Detox Bath


4. Breathe deeply

5. Light your favorite candles

6. Watch a motivational TedTalk

7. Take a walk

8. Buy yourself flowers

9. Declutter ten areas of your home 

10. Read a personal growth book

11. Plan a relaxing night with friends 

12. Make a piece of art 

13. Take a nap


The Proper Staycation


14. Diffuse essential oils 

15. Wash your linen

16. Try a new recipe 

17. Support a local shop

18. Plan to watch a sunrise 

19. Make a vision board

20. Call someone you love 

21. Stretch

Sleep Better Tonight CP.jpg

Sleep Better Tonight


22. Pay it forward

23. Create a new playlist

24. Try a natural face mask

25. Infuse fruit water 

Hair Washing Tips To Save Your Mane: By Hillary Baker

Hair Washing Tips To Save Your Mane: By Hillary Baker

Three Reasons Why You Are Not Feeling Photogenic

Three Reasons Why You Are Not Feeling Photogenic