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I Invested In A Skin Spatula And Here Are Three Reasons Why You Should Too

I Invested In A Skin Spatula And Here Are Three Reasons Why You Should Too

Forget purses and shoes; real friends give the gift of skincare! A skin spatula is a tool I never knew I needed. It is a small, lightweight rechargeable dermatology scrubber tool with several health benefits. I am a proud owner, and here are a few reasons you should invest in one!

Pore extractions

They say you never truly know what you have until it's gone. That rings so true, especially when it comes to the dirt + debris that could be hiding in your face! Clogged pores are a thing of the past with this tool. Simply glide your spatula across problem areas and watch in amazement as gunk is squeezed out. It may sound gross, but it looks and feels completely satisfying.

Lymphatic massage

One way to rapidly move along any ance or mucus buildup is to use the skin spatula in the evening before bed. Passing the spatula blade across the temple and cheekbone areas will quickly move bacteria causing oils through the complexion cycle resulting in fewer and less frequent breakouts. It also releases muscle tension around the eyes and jawline leaving you euphorically relaxed.

Gentle exfoliation

Even if your pores seem to be nonexistent and your face is acne free, you can still benefit from a skin spatula. Gently exfoliate dirt and dead skin cells weekly for a smooth complexion. The skin spatula is safe and effective- the perfect tool to add to your nighttime routine.

High-quality facial results in the comfort of your own home- sign us all the way up. Do not just read all about it; see results for yourself. Purchase one here and say hello to a new fresh-faced you!

Three Books To Add To Your Autumn Reading List

Three Books To Add To Your Autumn Reading List

Hair Washing Tips To Save Your Mane: By Hillary Baker

Hair Washing Tips To Save Your Mane: By Hillary Baker