Three Books To Add To Your Autumn Reading List
The coziest season of all is right around the corner! Autumn is almost here, and that means it's time to snuggle up. Grab your fuzziest socks, your fall scented candles, and a warm drink to indulge in these hard-to-put-down page-turners.
Atomic Habits -James Clear
Success does not happen overnight. Small micro habits lead you to the ideal version of your best self. Go on a journey of self-discovery with this how-to book. Learn as author James Clear gives you practical step-by-step tips on developing a proactive routine for your life's best version.
Finding Freedom -Omid Scobie & Carolyn Durand
Harry & Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family
Love them or hate them, this book is a must-read! American reporters Omid and Carolyn thoroughly dive into this royal couple's details, and they separate the fact from the fiction. This biography discovers the hidden treasures of our favorite royal couple and brings the truth to light. Clear your schedule because this book will have you glued.
It's Not My Fault -Dr. Henry Cloud & John Townsend
Self-help books are our jam here at JA. Doctors Henry Cloud and John Townsend give us a non-excuse A-Z to take charge of our lives. Who is to blame in certain life situations- parents, circumstances, the way we were raised? Many things happen to us in life; the key is to control how we respond. This book will help you gain a sense of perspective and change your thought process for the better.
Want more recommendations of what we are reading? Check our Aneissa's Book Club (ABC) here to explore more of our favorite novels.