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Three Ways To Combat Stubborn Mask Acne

Three Ways To Combat Stubborn Mask Acne

The days of covering our mouth and nose to enter public places seem to be indefinite. Close mask contact for extended periods of time can lead to moisture and bacteria build-up, causing blemishes around the mouth, nose, chin, and cheeks. Here are three ways to cut down on unwanted mask ance or maskne when you do not have to wear a protective face mask.

Go Makeup-Free

Pore-clogging makeup increases levels of moisture around your mouth and nose area. When a mask is added on top, pores begin to fill with bacteria and debris. Keep a clean makeup-free face and let your eyes do the talking. 

Light exfoliation

Sloughing away dead skin cells regularly will help with cell turnover. If acne or dirt becomes trapped beneath the top layer of skin, exfoliation will bring it to the surface faster. Liquid or chemical exfoliators work best on dry or sensitive skin. Physical facial exfoliators cause microtears in the skin's protective layer; this could result in open wounds, more bacteria build-up, and potential scarring. A few light exfoliation brands we love right now: 

Frequently changing or cleansing your mask 

Harsh mask fabric can cause face irritation and unwanted acne. Fabric material face masks should be treated like underwear. Masks should be changed and washed often for your health and protection. Hand wash after each use and use a fragrance-free detergent. Dispose of surgical or medical type masks after each use. 

We Tried Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies & Here Are Our Honest Thoughts

We Tried Goli Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies & Here Are Our Honest Thoughts

Three Books To Add To Your Autumn Reading List

Three Books To Add To Your Autumn Reading List