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Skincare Myth Busters

Skincare Myth Busters

Here at JA we only want what is best for you and the skin you are in. After all, the skin is your largest organ, and you should take care of it with the utmost respect. We are here to debunk some myths and hopefully answer some questions you might have concerning your rejuvenation routine.

"I can only do my evening skincare routine at night."

-False! If you arrive at home at 4:30 pm, and you do not plan on leaving the house again for the rest of the day; feel free to luxuriate! You do not have to wait until literal night time to execute your routine. The earlier, the better. Try to wash the dirt and pollution off of your pores as soon as possible.

"The harder I scrub, the better my results will be."

-Do not pull and tug on that beautiful face! Small circular motions with medium massage-like pressure from the top of the hairline to the bottom of the décolletage paired with the 60-second rule is more than sufficient to wash away dirt from the top layer of skin and to prep the secondary layers for serums and oils.

"I do not need skincare on cloudy days."

Even when your skies are gray, your skin is still exposed to damaging UV rays. The sun is still out, people! The sky is still illuminated. Even if you only travel from home to the workplace, you are still exposed when you walk outside and through your vehicle's windows while driving. All skin tones need sun protection every single day.

Three Eye-Care Products We Will Cherish Forever

Three Eye-Care Products We Will Cherish Forever

The Vitamin E Oil We Are Obsessed With & Why You Need It

The Vitamin E Oil We Are Obsessed With & Why You Need It