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Three Eye-Care Products We Will Cherish Forever

Three Eye-Care Products We Will Cherish Forever

The eyes: the window to the soul; why wouldn't we want to take care of the most alluring and most sensitive part of our face? Not all creams and serums are created equal; that is why we have your eyecare cheat sheet. Here are our three products we use daily, and a few reasons why you need them as well

Yerba Mate Wake Up Eye Gel

Talk about a testimony. Yerba Mate (pronounced má•tay) revitalizes under-eye bags like never before! As someone who has personally suffered from tired, puffy eyes, this is the best product I have ever used. This lightweight, fast-absorbing gel contains caffeine and hyaluronic acid. This duo works in harmony to deliver a bright, energized look.

Skin Balm Apothecary Eye Balm

Bye-bye, bushy brows, and hello, tame lashes! Skin Balm Apothecary is the first of it's kind! This eye balm is 100% organic, and it comes in a highly convenient chapstick-like tube. The eye balm promotes growth, and it is the perfect primer for curling makeup-free lashes.

Tweezerman Classic Lash Curler

We are eyelash snobs. We have searched high, and we have searched low, for the best (affordable) lash curler. Keep your lashes upright all day long with this classic curler. Here's Tweezerman's secret; silicone. Silicone is superior to rubber (that can cause irritation), as it lasts longer and is easier to clean.

Delight In Self Care

Delight In Self Care

Skincare Myth Busters

Skincare Myth Busters