
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband

Dear future husband,

I have always been a decisive person. Even during childhood, I have always just known what I have wanted. Of course, I would experience new things, but when it comes down to choices, I am pretty straightforward. That explains why I have never dated around. I have always known what I wanted in a partner as well, and if someone didn’t have what I was looking for, I would not waste my time (or the other person’s time for that matter). There was no point to that for me. I really just do not think I could handle men out there walking around with a piece of my heart and all the feelings that go along with that. The thought alone terrifies me! Most people would be ashamed to say they have never been with anyone, but I say it loud + I say it proud. Learning through observation has always been one of my strengths. I do not have to touch the fire to know that I will be burned! So yeah, no exes and no baggage on my part. 

With that being said, I am tired. I am an 88-year-old at heart, and I really do not know how to play the social media game. I mean you follow me, I follow you, you like a picture from three weeks ago, then what? What is the next move in Instagram chess? All the rules are exhausting and precious time is being wasted. This could be more time we’re married, dude! Growing up in the 90’s I feel like all the men “back in the day” just saw what they wanted and went for it. I mean, men are natural hunters, right? So it was NBD to walk up to a girl and politely ask if she was in a relationship. What is the worse that could happen, she says yes, and that’s the end of it. Now the majority of human interaction happens between screens; I’m like do people talk face-to-face anymore? So many conversations and so many expectations are built up through DMs or private messages that when people do meet in person, they do not even know how to operate! It is so sad, that is why my friends will tell you I am so crazy about brunch because I want to see their precious face! I am not trying to rant; these are just honest thoughts about how I feel at this point in life. 

So dear future husband, be intentional with your words to me. If you want me to be your wife email me. No, that’s a joke, but I guarantee the mature, successful, single, adult woman would not mind an inquiry from a man who is serious about her. Be intentional with your actions. I do not know where this thick spirit of intimidation came from, but walking up to someone is not as frightening as it seems. You have got to work for what you want to get what you’ve got. Things do not have to happen immediately, but they do have to start. So whenever you’re ready, I will just be here living my best life + traveling the world.

- the greatest gift you’ll ever receive

Best Houston Brunch Spots

Best Houston Brunch Spots

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