
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

How To Declutter Your Mind

How To Declutter Your Mind

Something really popular right now is the trend of being busy. The devastating part is people are confusing busy work for productivity. There is an unnecessary urgency, and people are spreading themselves too thin for tasks or errands that quite frankly, are not important. Many people are in full-throttle mode with no real destination. They tend to work harder, not smarter. Regain control of your mind and your time with these tips for success.


It is so simple. Plan out your time. If you know you need a new outfit this week, you need scissors + markers for your daughter's art craft, and you need eggs for a cake, go to Target! Make life simple and kill three birds with one stone. (If you plan on going Target, chances are you are going to buy everything you need and even some things you don't, but that is quite alright.) Lack of planning often results in an unnecessary emergency. Wasting time can be avoided easily when we stop + think. What is vital for the day/week? What is not important? Filter your time through these two questions, and you will begin to find out you have more time than you think you do.

Check In With Yourself

Continuously be aware of your personality and your hang-ups. If you are a workaholic, ask yourself why you bury yourself in work and if your habits are healthy. If you don't feel like you have the drive to complete a task, question your passion for what you are doing. If there's something you can do to change that, make it happen. The key to mental success is continuously peeling back the layers of your personality. It is ok to question your lifestyle habits. Regularly check-in; perfect your craft, then acknowledge and work on your flaws.

Indulge In Positivity

What makes you happy? Really happy? The options are limitless.

  • A particular style of clothing

  • Collecting rare objects

  • Certain people

  • An instrument

  • Books

  • Food

  • Pets

If you have found something and it is your bliss, indulge regularly. If running five miles every morning puts a smile on your face, do it! It will most likely give you an excellent attitude for the rest of the day. If you feel most relaxed with a face mask on, candles lit all around you, and Hobby Lobby music playing in the back, by all means, treat yo self! The little moments build up a happy life. It does not even matter if it is something completely abnormal and not even your BFF understands. If your passion is making origami cranes out of toilet paper squares, do it. You will inevitably be a better you because of it. This concept is often mistaken for the "If it feels good, it must be good." mentality. I would love to eat a gallon of Blue Bell ice cream every day, that is something I can get on board with inducing in, but I need a well-rounded diet. I have to limit my sugar intake. I might allow myself one small amount a week. It's the beauty of balance.

These tips are a small step in the right direction toward mental clarity. Once these concepts are mastered, you can move on to more significant issues at hand or possibly help a friend with their internal struggle. If you have a mentor or someone you look up to, take them on a coffee date and ask them what they are doing to achieve the success they have. When you discover someone who has paved the way and done something you want to achieve, there is no shame in following in their footsteps! Your unique individuality will take over, and before you know it, you are paving the way for someone behind you.

What’s On Our 2024 Spring Bucket List

What’s On Our 2024 Spring Bucket List

Four Things You Should Do Every Sunday

Four Things You Should Do Every Sunday