
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

2019 Resolutions

2019 Resolutions

The new year is just around the corner! This is a perfect time to develop new healthy habits and embrace a fresh start. I don’t like to make serious committing resolutions. I feel like the more in-depth the resolution is, the less likely I am to follow through. So I’ve made a list of five simple things I can do throughout 2019 to become a more well-rounded person.

Smile more

I have been told my resting face looks like I want to murder every human being I lay eyes on which is so not the case (for the most part). When I’m in the zone, I seem to look more intense. I don’t want strangers to look at me and feel like I’m unapproachable. So my first resolution is to smile more. I have a great smile, real talk. I’ve been trying to work on my overall demeanor for a while now, so I’m going to try and smile at every person I make eye contact with. Not in a creepy way, just trying to grin while I still have all of my original teeth


Just Aneissa blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Buzzfeed, YouTube, it can be so overwhelming at times! With my personality, I want everything I put out for the public to look just right. I might spend a little more time than I should on some of these platforms. I need to dial it back and reevaluate a healthy relationship with screens. I’ve lowkey already started this resolution since IG came out with the My Activity section showing how much time is spent on the app daily. Seeing the actual number forced me to prioritize what I was doing within the app now I’m only on social media for a few minutes twice a day! *pats back*

Learn a new skill

I’m obsessed with being a domestic goddess. The 1950’s housewife who could do everything placing the last bowl of sides on the dinner table while her husband walks through the front door from work has always been my dream. I’ve got the organization down, I can bake, and I’m very slowly learning how to cook, so I’m leaning towards sewing. I can do some simple sewing like putting on a button, but I want to learn how to make clothes from the ground up, I feel like that’s my last lesson in womanhood.

Manage Money

I’m horrible with money TBH. I’m an extremely impulsive buyer, and I firmly believe in retail therapy. That has got to change in the coming year! I need to start saving more. Having a chunk of money set aside for emergencies is essential. So the plan is to start making more home cooked meals instead of going out. Also, the excruciating one, skipping a few Starbucks/Target runs. I’m cringing because Target is my home away from home, but if I’m going to be smarter with my funds, it has to start now.


I thought I lived life to the fullest in 2018. I’ve had a ton of adventures, but the ride is not over yet! The older I get, the more I realize life is way shorter than you think so we have got to live it up, people! In 2019 I plan on taking more risks and partying even harder while I still can. I’m going to have fun (on a budget) and have more experiences and fewer things. I want this next year to be the year of yes. This is the first step toward the rest of my life, so I’m going to embrace it wholeheartedly. What are some of your new year resolutions? Let me know in the comments below!

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