Why New Year's Resolutions Never Work (And What To Do Instead)
Did you know there is no space in the brain that holds motivation? It’s true- you can watch all the reels, buy all the equipment, and blend all the fruit, and still, only 9% of Americans are still dedicated to their New Year’s resolutions at the end of the year. Forty-three percent of resolutions grow cold by the end of January!
Lack of commitment, busy schedules, and failure to make the proper resolutions work in harmony will cause us to settle back to our old bad habits by winter’s end. Here are four ways to revitalize goals, stay focused, and see the changes you want to implement all the way to December 31st.
Find Your Why:
Why do you want to wake up at 5:00AM? Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to save money or get organized? The more we are honest with ourselves concerning resolutions, the more we can tailor-make our new lifestyle work for us. If you want to transition from a night owl to an early bird or stop feeling so out of breath when you climb a flight of stairs, get specific concerning your goals and write them down, which leads us to our next tip.
Take Notes/ Make Notes:
You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if they are written down. You know what sweetens the deal even more? When you write goals down and place them in a spot where you can see them every single day, it helps commitment stay at the forefront of your mind. You are way less likely to purchase junk food if the note on your refrigerator says, “We’re losing three pounds each week!” Place encouraging notes and goals in obvious places around your home, workplace, and even your car if you need to.
Get Specific:
All the type A detail girlies- this is our time to shine! If you are not an organized person, now is this time to sit down and get some discipline. Individualized, detailed goals are going to assist you to stay motivated. Change goals like, “I wanna lose weight.” to pointed (and achievable) expectations like “I am losing five pounds each month.” Making targeted goals help shift your perspective from abstract thinking to tangible, evidence-based results.
Low investment- High Expectations:
When making resolutions, try to see them as bite-sized stepping stones toward a better version of you. If you are trying to create a resolution of, changing your outlook to a more positive viewpoint, dont make a resolution that that says “be happy” with notes of smiley faces everywhere. If you are using the previous steps and you are intentional, change your resolution to a note that says, “I smile at everyone I make eye contact with.” Switching your mindset to personal present-tense thinking will cause your brain cells to take action as if this is the new norm moving forward.
These tools combined with making your new lifestyle a priority will benefit in a happier and healthier new outlook on life. Take time out of each day to stay current with your progress. Celebrate small wins and if you fall off and make a mistake, immediately readjust and moved forward toward your resolution goals. We believe in you, Happy New Year!