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Shrimp Linguine

Shrimp Linguine

Pasta is my everything. I could consume pasta morning, noon, and night. These types of dishes are so versatile, you can make an entirely different creation, just by changing one element! The following recipe is a one-pot pasta meal. That phrase should be pretty self-explanatory, but if you have not guessed it by now, this pasta can be created by only using one pot. Yay for fewer dishes!

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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Yields: 4 servings


- 8 oz of spaghetti noodles

Pause. Let me clarify; I used squid ink noodles just for fun. You can use any type of spaghetti noodle under the sun. I figured the black noodles looked cool. It gave the pasta that extra pizzazz.

- 2 tbs olive oil

- 2 tbs butter

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 1 tbs crushed red pepper

- 1 1/4 pound of large shrimp

- 1 tsp dried oregano

- 4 cups of baby spinach

- 6 tbs butter

- 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese

- 2 tbs parsley

- 1 tbs lemon

- Salt + pepper to taste


- Thaw and cook the shrimp

- Boil the pasta noodles until tender

- Drain + set aside

- Combine the shrimp, pasta noodles, and the remaining ingredients into the pot and stir until the pasta is thoroughly mixed

One of the easiest meals in the entire world; this shrimp linguini is not a spicy dish, but it does have a kick to it. So for those of you who have smaller children or who don't like the extra heat, you can minimize or completely nix the crushed red pepper.



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