
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

How To Please The Lord

How To Please The Lord

In order for relationships to work, there has to be a significant amount of give + take. Father and son, employer and employee, student and teacher, all have a dynamic in which one person gives information on growth, and the other party receives and applies. The need to please one another is natural. It is a natural urge to want others to be proud of you. It can be a driving force into wanting to be the best version of yourself. There are ways in which you can please The Lord. When we give of ourselves, in a manner that is both selfless and intentional, we can serve The Lord in a way that makes Him proud.

Please in Praise

Psalm 113:1-9

Praise your peers for a job well done, Praise the children in your life to create a safe, positive atmosphere, and most importantly, praise The Lord for the things He has done in your life. Each breath you inhale is borrowed and, you should be grateful for it. We please The Lord when we have an attitude of gratitude. It may seem cliche, but only good things can thrive in a positive environment. Speak life, give thanks, and please in praise.

Be humble

Isaiah 66:2

Humble people practice a quiet lifestyle, especially when they are right. The beauty of humility is that it is versatile and easily obtainable. Humility can come through practice, or it can come through force. The choice is yours, but humility will always please The Lord.

Make the most of every opportunity

Ephesians 5:15-17

Small moments make up an entire life. You want that life filled with positivity, not regret. Each person that walks into your life is either a blessing or a lesson; it is your obligation to decipher relationships. The same is also true for events that occur in your life. As much as everyone dispises a side of the road mishap, it could have prevented a three-car pileup accident later down the road. So try to see the beauty in every situation and make the most of every opportunity.

Stay spirit-filled

Ephesians 5:18-20

The morning hours are so vital to your spiritual health. That is the time to get your thoughts on track and prepare yourself for the day. Staying spirit-filled means giving The Lord your first fruit. Avoid grumbling and complaining. Stay spirit-filled for yourself, and for those around you.

Hash Brown Slow-Cooker Baked Potato Soup

Hash Brown Slow-Cooker Baked Potato Soup

2019 Autumn Bucket List

2019 Autumn Bucket List