
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Three Things The Lord Wants To Give You

Three Things The Lord Wants To Give You

Photograph by Dana Long

Have you ever seen one of those adorable videos where a child loses something that is right in front of them? My favorite one is a little boy at the pool frantically searching for a pair of goggles that are on his head. His mother, who is recording him even gestures for him to rub his forehead, and he moves the goggles to do it! It is so cute when he realizes where they have been the entire time. He just places them over his eyes and does a pencil dive back into the pool, completely unbothered. Sometimes it can be hard to believe God wants to give us things that are right in front of our face. We do not deserve any of it, but His blessings are ready + available whenever we connect with Him.

Continual Guidance

Psalm 78:9-16

The Lord wants to give you constant guidance. He wants to walk with you daily. The more you exercise the gift of the Holy Ghost, the more you will feel His Spirit lead you. Leading you to pray for yourself and others. Leading you to fast and become the best version of yourself spiritually. He desires to have that father/child connection with you regularly.

A Joyous Testimony

Acts 17: 1-21

Everywhere we go, we are called to spread the gospel. As Christians, we are supposed to tell others about the good news, the things The Lord has done in our lives. Forgiveness, mercy that is fresh and new every morning, and grace are all gifts from The Lord that work collectively for a joyous testimony. We should seize every opportunity we have to tell people about the wonderful things He has provided in our lives.

Material Needs

I Kings 16:8-18:15

The Lord knows your every need. He is more than willing + able to supply it. Our daily bread comes from him. The job we have to purchase the clothing we own comes from Him. He knows how to provide the things we need, and sometimes He will even bless us with the things we want if we are faithful to Him.

The widow in I Kings 17:7-16 was given all three things. She had a roof over her head, a material need, but only enough flour and oil to feed her and her son. She obeyed the continual guidance of The Lord through the prophet Elijah and The Lord showed mercy and blessed her. As creations, we live our lives to worship Him. He, in turn, blesses us with things we do not deserve. The Lord s mind-blowingly gracious in all He does, and I am so thankful for daily guidance, a joyous testimony and a God who provides all my needs.

Vegan Potato Stew

Vegan Potato Stew

