Kick Your Social Media Up A Notch
Develop a signature style
If you are a foodie, try to keep your accounts food-based. If you love cats, create a Cat Call Friday and unapologetically post your furriest felines. The beauty of a signature style is it creates a sense of normalcy for your followers. They know when they visit your account, it will have the same tone of your personality. Find something (or a few things) that capture your heart and highlight them until you are ready to switch it up.
Stay in real-time
If you have a fantastic photograph of a beautiful breakfast acai bowl you made, do not post it that evening at 8:00 pm! Show off your posts at the appropriate time. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and throwbacks all have their place and time on smedia. Highlight when you feel it is best.
Delicious breakfast is always posted at 9:00 AM sharp.
Follow accordingly
That girl you keep comparing yourself to who has thrice the number of followers you have. The one who is balancing a husband, triplets, and a full-time job does not have her life together! She lacks in a significant area of her life (maybe two). Do not fry your brain, worrying about how she does it all -she doesn't. If you still find moments where you are in awe of someone who is seemingly doing better than you: unfollow them! Unfriend anyone who keeps bringing you back to negative thoughts about the path you are on. It will feel like such a huge weight lifted off of you.
Go through and delete anything that is not relevant to the way you currently feel. There is nothing wrong with a present self/future mentality. Take an evening and laugh about all of the cringe-worthy things you have posted. Say "goodbye" to anything you are not feeling anymore and clean out those DMs. Free up some space on your phone and in your mind.